As your website grows, it becomes challenging for visitors to find exactly what they need. More posts and pages mean more things to search, and more chances of finding irrelevant content. The default WordPress search can strain your server, slowing your site down for everyone. 

Jetpack Search is a powerful search solution backed by Elasticsearch, Jetpack Stats, and our globally distributed data centers. We process your data with multiple technologies for a modern search experience that improves website engagement, so visitors can search, refine their results, and find the content and products that interest them. And now you can add it to your website as a standalone search solution with Jetpack 8.4.

What's new?

A great search tool will work across all themes (even those without widget areas), including on both mobile and desktop. It'll return fast results that appear as you type, and will feel like a compelling experience. 

The new Jetpack Search brings the search bar into a custom overlay that gives you complete control and gives your visitors an enjoyable, predictable experience. 

Instant search, spelling correction, and filtering on TwentyTwenty theme. Recorded in Lisbon, Portugal.

The new Jetpack Search gives your site visitors:

  • Highly relevant results with modern ranking algorithms
  • Prioritized results based on your site traffic
  • Instant search and filtering without reloading the page
  • Filtered and faceted searches (by tags, categories, dates, custom taxonomies, and post types)
  • Improved theme compatibility for both desktop and mobile
  • Real-time indexing, so your search index will update within minutes of changes to your site
  • Support for all languages, and advanced language analysis for 29 languages
  • Highlighted search terms on comments and post content
  • Quick and accurate spelling correction

Pricing and Plan Changes

Jetpack Search had only been available as a part of the Jetpack Professional plan at $29 per month, but that pricing felt unfair: a site with one million posts costs 1,000 times as much to index as a site with one thousand posts, but both sites were paying the same amount. 

New pricing makes Jetpack Search more affordable for small sites and still costs big sites less than the competition. It's also available as a single product, so there's no need to pay for other features you may not need just to use Jetpack Search.

Pricing for Jetpack Search depends on how many records your site has — posts, pages, products, and custom post types.

  • Up to 100 records: $5 per month
  • Up to 1,000 records: $10 per month
  • Up to 10,000 records: $25 per month
  • Up to 100,000 records: $60 per month
  • Up to 1 million records: $200 per month
  • Over 1 million records: $200 per month per million records (yes, we have sites with more than a million posts!)

Even better, when you sign up for an annual plan, you get two months free every year. When your plan auto-renews, the pricing will automatically adjust based on the number of records in your search index.

We think you'll love the new version of Jetpack search — but more importantly,  your site visitors will love it too.

Get started with Jetpack Search

Read about how we made Jetpack Search