[THE LATEST] 4 insanely cool tools to make video meetings more effective, which video marketing service is right for you, and what you need to know about Google's wild new SERP feature - EMEL


Thursday, April 23, 2020

[THE LATEST] 4 insanely cool tools to make video meetings more effective, which video marketing service is right for you, and what you need to know about Google's wild new SERP feature

4 insanely cool tools to make video meetings more effective, which video marketing service is right for you, and what you need to know about Google's wild new SERP feature ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

🎓 IMPACT+the #1 self-guided learning destination for digital sales, marketing, and leadership teams — is now LIVE! Learn more and create your IMPACT+ account today! With a free account, you get access to my course on how to create a content strategy in the digital age.

Look, I'm totally on board with the fact that, in these unprecedented, unheard-of, bananas, Nintento-hard, whack times, video isn't just important. In fact, quite literally, no digital or sales marketing pro would be able to do their jobs without video right now.

(That's why a large part of what we help our clients with is video.)

Moreover, stepping outside of our happy little sales and marketing sphere, the vast majority of the population would not be able to talk to coworkers, continue with classes, celebrate socially-distanced birthdays with friends, or tell well-meaning relatives, "You're still on mute, Doris, it's the other button!"  — again, without video.

More specifically, video conferencing.

Which is why I felt seen — nay, attacked — when I watched this video that Joe Bachir shared today:


Before I fess up to which one I am, two things:

  1. First, let's talk about how down-to-clown and "fun" Mr. "fun virtual background-er" looks up there. Also let's be honest, he's nowhere near in the league of IMPACT's own virtual background A-list celeb, Eric Choma.
  2. Second, how do we all feel about "Baby Zoomers" as our new generation name? WAIT. NEVERMIND. As soon as I typed that out, I saw how terrible and awful it was, and I'm just... I'm so sorry. I regret my actions and know I have brought great shame upon my family.

OK, with that out of the way, here's the cold, truth.

I am 100% the drinker. As a matter of fact, during my second meeting this morning, I was juggling a Swell bottle of water, an unreasonably small glass of orange juice, and an aggressively sized mug of black coffee. 

I thought I was being discreet about it until someone slacked me with the following question:

"Are you going to break out the champagne next, or are we in more of an iced tea kind of mood?"

Rude. But also fair.

What can I say? I'm a gal who likes to keep her options open. 😎

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 "Now that we're relying so much on video conferencing to do our jobs, what are the tools we should be using to get more value out of our meetings?" (7-minute read)

Unless you're living under a rock (and I wouldn't blame you for it), you've probably been on a Zoom meeting lately. You may even be on one right now. (Sorry, Mary; my internet connection dropped. Can you repeat that?) What if you could maximize the time you already spend in those meetings by adding a tool to your workflow? In this article from IMPACT Director of Digital Product Morgan VanDerLeest, you'll learn about the four outstanding tools that will empower you right away to have more effective virtual video client meetings, marketing brainstorms, and sales calls.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "IMPACT offers a ton of video services, but how do we know which one is the right fit for us — if any — or if now is even the time for us to be focusing on video?" (7-minute read + VIDEO)

Hey there! You're a fellow business leader who recognizes the importance of video in a modern digital sales and marketing strategy, particularly in light of recent events, right? Well, be warned — this isn't a fun, clickbait-y piece of content that's going to give you a bunch of zippy facts to chew over during today's lunch break. The good news is your effort of going through this content will pay off. By the end of this top-to-bottom article from IMPACT Video Trainer (and dapper man about town) Will Schultz, you will know definitively if now is the right time to invest in video strategy, as well as whether or not IMPACT is the right video agency partner for you.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "OK, enough about video for a second — what the heck is that wild new Google search engine results panel feature, and what do we need to know about it?" (4-minute read)

Like most humans with an internet connection right now, whenever I'm done surfing through my usual slate of websites, online magazines, and podcasts for the evening, I'll do a quick check of the latest news and information on coronavirus (COVID-19), since so much changes with it so quickly. Recently, however, I noticed that Google rolled out a crazy new SERP feature just for coronavirus. At first glance, it may not look like a big deal — but in this article from yours truly, I hope you'll understand why this new Google SERP panel as such a big deal, as well as the lessons we should learn from it right now.

💬 You asked, we answered 

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a great thread that's caught our attention:

📆 Marketing events you need to know

🚧 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST... 

Image from iOS (6)

Connor DeLaney sent this to me earlier today. I'm downright disappointed with myself at how long I laughed at this for. The more I told myself, "This isn't that funny, you know," the harder I laughed. 

Awkwardly. In a Dunkin Donuts drive-through, where others were definitely staring.

I still don't understand why! 😡

I'll talk to y'all next week! A special guest will be taking my place for the Saturday edition... 👋

Liz Moorehead

Editorial Director


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