[THE LATEST] 4 things you must do when a client cancels, a second coronavirus stimulus bill in the works, and David Meerman Scott on brands that lie - EMEL


Thursday, April 9, 2020

[THE LATEST] 4 things you must do when a client cancels, a second coronavirus stimulus bill in the works, and David Meerman Scott on brands that lie

4 things you must do when a client cancels, a second coronavirus stimulus bill in the works, and David Meerman Scott on brands that lie ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

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One of my favorite (see: boorish) defense mechanism-laden "Liz-isms" is that I like to say I consider myself emotionally allergic to being wrong or having to admit that a failing on my part is the reason why something went wrong.

Yes, like any normal human being, I find being in the right is much more preferable than dealing with the psychic chafing that often accompanies being slapped with the "You did something wrong!" stick.

But that instinct to avoid the pain of confessing a shortcoming — professional or personal — is overridden in almost every single case by my insatiable, rabid pursuit of the answer that one question:


Why did X fall apart? Why did Y fail? Why did Z really happen?

To some, the insistence of understanding "why" can seem superfluous. But, as I learned yesterday upon reading IMPACT Content Marketing Trainer Brian Casey's most recent article, I am not alone:

"The way that my brain is wired, I need to understand the why behind everything," he shared about himself, as he reflected on an unexpected client cancellation — a situation in which he thought he was doing all of the right things.

(That's the power of great content. In one sentence, you can feel seen and understood.)

Of course, there are occasions when that devilish three-letter word can cause more trouble than its worth. Still, I believe that the moment we stop asking why whenever possible is the moment we stop moving forward.

We stop learning, growing, maturing.

We arrest

To not ask why is akin to rejecting your own shadow, because the question of why and its subsequent answer exist whether we want to acknowledge them or not. They don't disappear just because we turn out back to them.

Sometimes, we may not like what we see when we ask that question. I get that. I've asked that question many times, only to be met with my own cringe-worthy transgressions, my own inability to deliver, articulate, understand, accept, or compromise in a given set of circumstances. 

As Brian said so eloquently, you need to be at peace with the fact that you can fail and also not be a failure. But you can only get to that point if you're willing to ask "Why?" in those scary moments and risk that you are the answer.

👉 "What should we do when a client cancels on us, so it doesn't happen again?" (5-minute read)

Losing a client sucks. For most of us, though, it's also a pretty unavoidable reality. When a client relationship ends, it's human nature to second guess yourself. The trick is to use the moments of doubt and failure to fuel your desire to improve in your role. And, in this emotionally honest article from IMPACT Content Marketing Trainer Brian Casey, you'll learn the four most important things you can do when a client cancels on you, so you can prevent it from happening in future.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "What do we need to know about the second potential stimulus bill? Is it actually going to happen?" (2-minute read)

A relative economic bright spot amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been the massive stimulus bill passed by congress late last month — the CARES Act. Since the announcement of the legislation, however, experts have warned that $2 trillion might not cover the full economic cost of the coronavirus in the US. Now, lawmakers and financial experts are suggesting that another stimulus bill may be on the way soon. In this article from IMPACT Editorial Content Manager John Becker, get the inside scoop on what the future may hold for a second coronavirus stimulus bill, and what it may mean for you and your business.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "What kind of backlash can we face from our customer base if we try to fudge the truth as a brand?" (4-minute read)

Marketers and advertisers have long had bad reputations, but lying or misleading others in public is now so widespread that some marketers even feel no shame in using it as a ploy to get attention. These tactics almost always backfire, however, as building trust is an essential ingredient in creating a brand that lasts. In this much-needed intervention, the peerless David Meerman Scott explains why it's so important to be truthful as a brand, even when it's hard

💬 You asked, we answered

⚠️ Resources from our pals at Petra

In response to coronavirus, Petra has put together this fantastic resource center for businesses trying to make it through these uncertain times, including webinars, articles, and other valuable insights.

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing, with nearly 6,000 members. Here's a great thread that's caught our attention:

❤️ IMPACTers doing good

My heart grew three sizes when I heard that IMPACT alums Stacy Willis and Britt Schwartz started a new nonprofit, Every Face Covered, which connects healthcare workers with the personal protective equipment (PPE) they so vitally need in the fight against COVID-19.

🍞 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST... 

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 3.25.30 PM

"Socially social-distanced."

Talk to y'all this weekend! 💋

Liz Moorehead

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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