[THE LATEST] Additional COVID-19 relief funding for businesses, HubSpot's new CMS Hub, and the best website builder for small businesses - EMEL


Saturday, April 11, 2020

[THE LATEST] Additional COVID-19 relief funding for businesses, HubSpot's new CMS Hub, and the best website builder for small businesses

Additional COVID-19 relief funding for businesses, HubSpot's new CMS Hub, and the best website builder for small businesses ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

🎉IMPACT+the #1 self-guided learning destination for digital sales, marketing, and leadership teams — is now LIVE! We already have a ton of content, courses, features, and functionality for you to dive into right now, but we also plan to add much, much more in the coming weeks and months, so you can achieve your most aggressive digital sales and marketing goals. Learn more and create your IMPACT+ account today

If you've been reading this email newsletter for any length of time, you know I spend most of my socially-distanced weekends now wandering around the trails and hiking paths of Connecticut.


I can't tell you how nice it was to finally see more bold pops of green along my usual route this afternoon. 🌱

My routine is fairly well-established at this point.

No matter what trail I'm on, I usually crank up the same themed, punny-named playlist — which you can access for yourself on Spotify or Apple Music — and let my mind wander lazily, as my "little grey cells" churn through the events of the preceding week, for somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5 miles.  

Typically, these mental journeys yield Deep Life Thoughts™. Today, however, when I dared to look inward, I found a petulant, finger-wagging smarty-pants waiting for me with a petty grievance:

Why do people insist on calling something "interesting" when, 90% of the time, "interesting" is a lazy, euphemistic placeholder for what they're really thinking?

In so many cases, when someone remarks "interesting" as a response, what they really mean is:

"Wow, OK. I guess that's one way to look at it."

"What's it like to wake up every morning and be so wrong about everything you do and say all the time?"

"That sounds like a hot mess express."

"Your answer lights me up, but I don't want to appear too excited."

"I don't want you to know what I'm thinking."

Look, I'll admit, I do this, too. 

But, as someone whose job is quite literally words-based, I find this intentional side-stepping of specificity in our language frustrating. 

Oddly enough, I believe the same devious little gremlin that causes so many people to resist being authentic human beings in their content is also the diabolical puppet-master behind the plague that is "interesting."


Somewhere along the way, we decided that "interesting" was the ideal verbal shield for what we're really thinking, because being to open and honest about what we really think makes us afraid. We'd rather play it safe. 

But, as I mentioned during my talk at DSMD last week — which can now be accessed with a free IMPACT+ accountyou will never have a breakthrough moment with anyone in your target audience if you're afraid to stand out and ruffle a few feathers. Otherwise, you will always be utterly forgettable.

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 "What additional federal coronavirus (COVID-19) relief is available for our business?" (2-minute read)

The federal government's Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (or CARES) seeks to shore up the U.S. economy in the face of its unprecedented and abrupt shutdown. Much attention has been paid to the Paycheck Protection Plan within the CARES Act, which at $350 billion, accounts for the lion's share of the allotment. However, in addition to the PPP, $27 billion more has been set aside to assist SMBs as well. In this article from IMPACT Editorial Content Manager John Becker, learn what other federal relief funding is available for SMBs outside of the Paycheck Protection Program, so your company can weather these challenging times.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "What do we need to know about HubSpot's huge announcement about their new CMS Hub product?" (2-minute read)

Earlier this week, HubSpot quietly launched its new CMS Hub. Even though HubSpot launched this update with no big media push due to the coronavirus pandemic, it can be considered one of the company's biggest launches to date. As HubSpot continues to scale and remain a true all-in-one platform, the release of the new CMS Hub is a big step. In this article from IMPACT HubSpot Trainer Lexie Ward, get the inside scoop on everything you need to know about how the HubSpot CMS Hub can help you build and scale a powerful and optimized website for your company.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "There are a lot of website builder options for small businesses out there, but which one is the best?" (4-minute read)

A website builder is an online software used by small businesses to produce or lay out a website design. Many do not require users to have knowledge of development and put the power of building sites within anyone's reach. But, when it comes to website builders, beauty (as they say) is in the eye of the beholder, as what's best for one business may not be right for another. In this candid analysis from one of my favorite IMPACT front-end developers Daniel Escardo, learn the pros and cons of the top three website builders for small businesses — Wix, WordPress, and HubSpot.

💬 You asked, we answered

⚠️ Resources from our pals at Petra

In response to coronavirus, Petra has put together this fantastic resource center for businesses trying to make it through these uncertain times, including webinars, articles, and other valuable insights.

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing, with nearly 6,000 members. Here's a great thread that's caught our attention:

❤️ IMPACTers doing good

😡 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST... 

Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 5.05.56 PM

The savage way spiritual people fight. I am deceased.

Don't 👏 forget 👏 to 👏 wash 👏 your 👏 hands 👏! 

Liz Moorehead

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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