[THE LATEST] Facebook ads during the COVID-19 pandemic, are LinkedIn ads even worth it, and where you should be hosting your sales and marketing videos - EMEL


Saturday, April 4, 2020

[THE LATEST] Facebook ads during the COVID-19 pandemic, are LinkedIn ads even worth it, and where you should be hosting your sales and marketing videos

Facebook ads during the COVID-19 pandemic, are LinkedIn ads even worth it, and where you should be hosting your sales and marketing videos ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

🚨 Critical COVID-19 resources 

🌎 Digital Sales & Marketing Day — a virtual event that will empower you and your business to thrive during these uncertain times — is happening THIS UPCOMING MONDAY. Will I see you there? (Psst! You can still get your ticket for $39 with the code "LIZ" rather than paying full price. You're welcome.)

In the last issue of THE LATEST, I explored some of the menacing emotional cliffs I've been flirting with recently. To the overwhelming number of you who sent replies empathizing, opening up about your own emotional ups-and-downs, and sharing touching personal stories, thank you. You made me feel less alone.

It's with these tumultuous feelings in mind, however, that I want to pivot today's discussion.

The emotional toll this pandemic has taken on all of us cannot be overstated. Not only are each of us carrying feelings of anger, grief, and confusion for ourselves, we are also doing so for those around us — our friends, our families, our coworkers, and for the world at large.

But IMPACT COO Brie Rangel reminded all of us on the management team earlier this week that we must focus also on what we are grateful for during this time. It helps us heal and prevents us from being consumed. 

So, I thought I would share a few of the things I'm grateful for today — aside from y'all, of course ❤️ — and if you would also like to share, you know my inbox is always open.

I am grateful for Pumpkin. She makes me sneeze, and she's bossy and needy, but her fuzzy companionship has been an unexpected gift in my life the past year.

I am grateful for my IMPACT family. I have no words that can adequately express the gratitude and comfort you inspire.

I am grateful for all of you fellow digital marketers out there who are also struggling mightily every single day to find the best euphemistic phrases for what's happening right now for your copy. Indeed, these are unprecedented, uncertain, trying, challenging, confusing, confounding, risky, incalculable, and difficult times. I see you. You are not alone.

I am grateful for Cap'n Crunch Crunch Berries cereal. I ate you for dinner twice this week. And I regret nothing.

I am grateful for the sports swag happy hour Connor DeLaney hosted last night. It was a freaking blast:

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Go Nats! 

I am grateful for the conversations I'm having right now that I might not otherwise have had. This pandemic is opening up old and new doors alike — because if you're not going to say what's previously gone on unsaid right now, when will you?

I am grateful for my mother's collection of family recipes and cookbooks. I've had so much fun working my way through them. Although the "unusual apple salad" sounds utterly horrific. Just... why?

I am grateful for the AllTrails app, which has helped me get outside, explore, and find peace with the sun shining warmly on my face. (In fact, after sending this bad boy, I'm heading out to Sleeping Giant.) 


That list could go on and on, but it's a good start for right now.  

For now, enjoy THE LATEST! I've structured the content differently in this issue, because there is a lot of digital sales and marketing ground we need to cover. So, let's get into it. 

👉 Today's featured articles and insights

🏆 Most popular coronavirus-related resources

Explore all coronavirus-related content from IMPACT.

⚠️ IMPACT's new virtual strategy services and workshops

Learn how we can help train your marketing and sales teams to thrive in this new video-first, virtual world:

⚠️ Resources from our pals at Petra

Not only do we coach our own clients, we have our own coaches at IMPACT, as well — the incredible and inspiring team at Petra, whose sole goal is to help businesses and entrepreneurs thrive. 

In response to coronavirus, Petra has put together this fantastic resource center for businesses trying to make it through these uncertain times, including webinars, articles, and other valuable insights.

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing, with nearly 6,000 members. Here is the one discussion you need to check out this weekend:

🚿 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST... 

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I watched this video 10+ times last night. And another five times just now.

Stay safe this weekend!

Liz Moorehead

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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