[THE LATEST] How to build a strong video culture, new COVID-19 stimulus bill passes, and mistakes to avoid when redesigning your logo - EMEL


Saturday, April 25, 2020

[THE LATEST] How to build a strong video culture, new COVID-19 stimulus bill passes, and mistakes to avoid when redesigning your logo

How to build a strong video culture, new COVID-19 stimulus bill passes, and mistakes to avoid when redesigning your logo ...this is THE LATEST!

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Hi, friends! 👋 Stephanie here again taking over for Liz on this lovely Saturday. 

Normally, since I only write THE LATEST about once a month, I can knock out this letter to you in two shakes of a lamb's tail and be on my merry way. 

However, today was not normal. In fact, I'm not sure any day in the past six weeks could really be considered "normal." In any case, I was completely wrapped up in a thick, dense, milky brain fog that I could not wrestle my way out of. 

I was just sitting here, eyelids heavy, staring at a blank white screen hoping for magic and only getting more discouraged (and closer to napping) by the minute.

Off to the side, I saw my phone light up with a new notification for an Instagram direct message. Finally, a distraction! I opened it to find this insanely accurate and far too timely post shared by a friend... 

covid instagram post

Click into it and read it, but promise me you'll come back. If you think you'll be tempted to get lost in Insta-land for awhile, I'll summarize it for you below.

In this post, Alexis shares some thoughts I'd been feeling and having trouble putting into words. Many of us have been feeling inconsistent, tired, and unfocused. She explains how our brains and bodies are in a "slow burn fight-or-flight state," and we're basically all just unconsciously trying to avoid dying.

A little much? I thought so too until I got to the line about how our brains know being short-sighted is a safer way to cope right now. 

This line was so affirming and comforting. I felt so validated by this post and immediately knew I had to cut myself some slack. And you should, too.

We all need to go a little easier on ourselves these days. Even if you don't bake your own bread or complete a 51,300-piece puzzle this weekend -- even if all you do is read this letter from me -- you're doing enough. 

If you're up for learning a little more though, I've got the goods for ya, all linked and ready below. 

👉 "What does a strong video culture look like and why is it important?" (8-minute read)

Before long, using video in the sales process won't be optional anymore. If your organization isn't embracing video now, you're going to fall behind. One of the biggest factors that plays into video success at an organization is establishing a culture of video. In this interview with IMPACT video experts Myriah Anderson and Zachary Basner they discuss the seven keys to creating a thriving culture of video.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "What do we need to know about the new COVID-19 stimulus bill and the additional Paycheck Protection Program funding?" (2-minute read)

After the original Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) ran out, the federal government began looking to replenish funds. Now, after passing the senate earlier in the week, the house passed the package to replenish it as well and it has been signed into a law. Read more about what was planned for this package and check out links to our resources for businesses looking to use the PPP.

💬 You asked, we answered

🚨 Have you updated your website to address COVID-19?

Have you updated your website to address the coronavirus pandemic with your audience? If not, your customers might be missing vital information they need from you right now.

We're offering free 30-minute homepage optimization consultation calls which will provide you with actionable takeaways that you can implement on your own or with your current agency — or you can see how we can help. Claim your free call now because, frankly, we can only do so many.

👉 "What big mistakes should we avoid when redesigning our brand's logo?" (6-minute read)

I have always been amused by creative logos. I especially love logos that have hidden elements or meanings like the smile in the Pepsi logo or the arrow in FedEx. In this article about the six most common (and costly) logo redesign mistakes brands make, IMPACT UX Designer Joe Rinaldi shares botched logo redesigns and things you might forget to consider when redesigning your logo (I personally loved #5!).

💬 You asked, we answered 

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. In fact, yesterday we wrapped up the week with a happy hour to celebrate hitting 6,000 members!

elite 6000 members

Also, here's a great thread that caught my attention today:

Kevin Mitchell wants to know if any members have set up Slack spaces to allow for their customers and customer success teams to communicate with each other!

📆 Marketing events you need to know

🚧 Week(end) nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST... 

If there's two things everyone loves right now it's dogs and Tik Toks. (Disagree? @ me.) So, here are some dogs reacting to the "Rule #1 If It's About Me" Tik Tok challenge.

dogs react to tik toks

That's it for me, folks. Enjoy your weekend! Back to you in the studio, Liz... 👋

Stephanie Baiocchi

Director of Community & Events


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