[THE LATEST] How to definitively prove the ROI of content marketing, how to sell effectively in uncertain times, and how coronavirus will forever change how we work - EMEL


Thursday, April 16, 2020

[THE LATEST] How to definitively prove the ROI of content marketing, how to sell effectively in uncertain times, and how coronavirus will forever change how we work

How to definitively prove the ROI of content marketing, how to sell effectively in uncertain times, and how coronavirus will forever change how we work ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

🎓 IMPACT+the #1 self-guided learning destination for digital sales, marketing, and leadership teams — is now LIVE! Learn more and create your IMPACT+ account today! With a free account, you get access to my course on how to create a content strategy in the digital age.

Up until this month, I've never considered myself a poetry kind of gal. (I've always been more into the brute force of my boy, Ernest Hemingway's, passionate, ham-fisted prose.)

But through a strange confluence of events, that has changed. First, as I mentioned earlier this week, a close friend recently introduced me to the idea of writing poetry as a way to process emotional abstractions and experiences. 

Second, April is National Poetry Month. In celebration of this, IMPACT Editorial Content Manager John Becker created a Slack channel in which he shares a reading of a poem every single day. 

One poem in particular has been rattling aggressively around my heart since he shared it last week. It turned the way I view a specific painting I'm sure many of you are familiar with completely on its head in the most haunting way:

Screen Shot 2020-04-16 at 11.33.00 AM

Where I think many of us once saw the picture of ideal love and passion, I now can't help but see the fractures — especially in this line: "It must be morning in a faraway place somewhere."

The poem itself also speaks to a larger theme of assuming, from the outside, that something is perfect; for example, someone else's relationship.

Taking a step back even further, however, I'd say this poetic observation is a powerful reminder that we draw a lot of assumptions about what we perceive something to be. Moreover, we assume — at least I do — that people see things exactly the way we do, when they don't.

Whether you're observing the world around you or trying to keep your audience in mind with the next piece of content you create, always remember that everyone comes to the proverbial table with their own set of experiences, opinions, preconceived notions, and so on, that influence how they react to or experience something.  

Or, as one of John's favorite quotes so eloquently states:

"All opinion is autobiography."

On a marginally related note, I know I've been digging into some uncharacteristically Deep Thoughts™ in THE LATEST recently. So, to lighten the mood, I'll share that I almost scared myself to death last night on my way to bed when I came upon the reflection of my disgruntled alpaca print perfectly framed in a hallway mirror. (I don't have a cute scream, by the way.)

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 "What's the best way to showcase content marketing ROI and celebrate content wins to build excitement and help me keep my marketing job?" (7-minute read)

To save our budgets (and, yes, our jobs) we need to measure, report, and celebrate content marketing ROI publicly and often. But what metrics should you be tracking, how do you measure them, and what's the best way to get the word out to everyone else on your team? In this article from IMPACT Content Marketing Trainer Jen Barrell, she breaks down the exact metrics you should be measuring, provides examples on how to celebrate content wins in a way that makes a difference, and shares the best strategies for continuously showcasing your ROI and proving your value.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "How can our sales team still sell effectively in a post-coronavirus world with so much uncertainty?" (6-minute read)

Businesses in general, and salespeople in specific, are dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now. Uncertainty about working and selling remotely (maybe for the first time). Uncertainty about generating new business. Uncertainty about approaching existing customers for renewals. Uncertainty about sales strategies and tactics. With so many things out of your control. What can you do? In this hard-hitting article from sales expert and DM Training CEO Steve Bookbinder, learn the precise sales strategies you need to sell your products and services in a way that allays fears and eases uncertainty in the wake of COVID-19.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "How will coronavirus change the way work once the pandemic is over... if at all?" (3-minute read)

As coronavirus has changed the way we live, work, and communicate, it's no surprise that companies like Microsoft are seeing surges in demand for remote working services and tools such as the Teams app. The question is, is this virtual world here to stay past COVID-19? In this article from IMPACT Director of Demand Generation Kristen Harold, discover what a new report from Microsoft says will change about how we work after coronavirus... because they say a lot will change, and we all need to start thinking about what the future holds.

💬 You asked, we answered

🏆 IMPACT+ now has a virtual peer group for sales pros

This new virtual peer group will be officially kicking off this month. You'll be joining fellow sales professionals from a wide range of industries in our monthly virtual gatherings to discuss how to overcome impediments you are experiencing, get insights from professionals just like you who are seeing remarkable results, and brainstorm the things you might be working on. Watch this video to learn more and then create your IMPACT+ account today.

🎧 Latest shows and podcasts

⚠️ Resources from our pals at Petra

In response to coronavirus, Petra has put together this fantastic resource center for businesses trying to make it through these uncertain times, including webinars, articles, and other valuable insights.

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a great thread that's caught our attention:

🏃 IMPACTERs on the move

🍽️ Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST... 


One of my absolute favorite subreddits is r/WeWantPlates. I've taken the liberty of sorting by the top all-time posts in the subreddit for your viewing pleasure.

I hope you're having a great week! 👋

Liz Moorehead

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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