[THE LATEST] Unique team-building activities to try during coronavirus, the top reasons why Instagram story ads fail, and Facebook's new global coronavirus guide for media partners - EMEL


Saturday, April 18, 2020

[THE LATEST] Unique team-building activities to try during coronavirus, the top reasons why Instagram story ads fail, and Facebook's new global coronavirus guide for media partners

Unique team-building activities to try during coronavirus, the top reasons why Instagram story ads fail, and Facebook's new global coronavirus guide for media partners ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

🎓 IMPACT+the #1 self-guided learning destination for digital sales, marketing, and leadership teams — is now LIVE! Learn more and create your IMPACT+ account today! With a free account, you get access to my course on how to create a content strategy in the digital age.

On this, the 34th day of quarantine for us New Englanders, I do not have a deep thought or powerful, heart-rending poem to share. Instead, I have a confession.

At around 1:30 a.m. this morning, I decided to bake a three-layer carrot cake.

Image from iOS (5)-1

I am sharing this news with the complement of a stock photo that approximates the final product I ended up with.

If I were to share a photo of the actual cake that is currently sitting atop my kitchen counter, I would be admitting to the obscene amount of cake that I have already consumed.

This has nothing to do with anything that follows below but, given how close we've grown over the years through this newsletter, I couldn't lie to you.

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 "What are some great examples of unique team-building activities we can use while we're working remotely during the quarantine?" (5-minute read)

During "normal" times (pre-coronavirus pandemic), approximately 60% of our team members regularly work remotely. Because of this, we've always had a focus on strengthening our remote company culture and building relationships with people across the company. However, our remote team-building focus went into overdrive recently as we had to mandate all employees work from home for our own safety and the safety of others. In this article from IMPACT VP of Talent Natalie Davis shares four ways we're fostering team-building during quarantine, as well as other tips for doing the same for your company.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "Why are our Instagram story ads not working? What are we doing wrong?" (12-minute read)

From push-up challenges and re-posted TikTok videos, to motivational quotes and small victories like not wearing sweatpants all day, Instagram Stories are on fire lately. With extra time at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, people are turning to social channels for distractions and glimmers of good news. This, in turn, has driven marketers to work quickly to get in front of all those people with some top-notch Instagram story ads — but what should you do when your ads aren't getting the results you expected? In this article from IMPACT Paid Media Project Manager Rachel Palmeteer, you'll learn the top reasons why most Instagram story ads fail along with the best strategies for fixing your campaigns.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "What are the highlights from Facebook's recent 64-page guide on marketing during coronavirus?" (3-minute read)

By a show of hands, how many digital marketers out there sometimes struggle to find the confidence that you're saying the right thing to your audience during the coronavirus pandemic? Well, the folks at the Big Blue F — ye olde Facebook — published a 64-page guide for brands that want to effectively engage and communicate with their audiences in the wake of COVID-19. In this little ditty from yours truly, you'll get the inside scoop on the most important takeaways from Facebook's comprehensive global coronavirus guide for media partners.

💬 You asked, we answered

⚠️ Resources from our pals at Petra

In response to coronavirus, Petra has put together this fantastic resource center for businesses trying to make it through these uncertain times, including webinars, articles, and other valuable insights.

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a great thread that's caught our attention:

🏃 IMPACTERs on the move

📺 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST... 

Image from iOS (4)-3

Episodes of House that haven't aged well since the COVID-19 crisis.

🌱 Moment in nature

Finally, one of my beloved weekly rituals is making breakfast and snuggling up on the couch with coffee to watch CBS Sunday Morning — and one of my favorite segments is called Moment in Nature, which is how every episode ends.

Inspired by that, I thought I would share this beautiful video shot by Jay Fleming, — an insanely talented photographer friend of mine from Maryland — of a blue heron catching an Alewife herring in the water:

Image from iOS (3)

Watch the video.

Have a safe, socially-distanced weekend! 👋

Liz Moorehead

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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