[THE LATEST] 5 must-read leadership books, how Microsoft and LinkedIn are going to change the paid media game, and the most relatable COVID-19 work-from-home memes - EMEL


Saturday, May 23, 2020

[THE LATEST] 5 must-read leadership books, how Microsoft and LinkedIn are going to change the paid media game, and the most relatable COVID-19 work-from-home memes

5 must-read leadership books, how Microsoft and LinkedIn are going to change the paid media game, and the most relatable COVID-19 work-from-home memes ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

💰 Virtual Selling Summit. June 23. Be there. As a sales professional in today's virtual world you must adapt quickly to keep driving revenue. At this full-day virtual event, you'll equip yourself with the tools, strategies, and expert insights you need to get ahead of the competition and thrive in our new virtual sales-driven reality. Learn more and register now.

I'll keep this brief, because I am still reeling

When I saw this work-from-home meme earlier today... 

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...I felt surveilled, attacked, and put on trial. 

You see, if I'm being honest, most work-from-home days I wear an outfit that makes it utterly impossible to tell whether:

  • I am about to work out.
  • I just finished working out.
  • I just got out of bed.
  • I am about to go to bed.

I'm going to hazard a wild guess that when someone said a woman should cultivate an intriguing "aura of mystery," this is not what they meant. Yet here we are, with my misguided version of the "feminine mystique." Oops.

(Get in line, fellas!)

Sigh. Anyway, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 "I've got some spare time right now, and I want to develop professionally — what are the best leadership books I should be reading?" (9-minute read)

As IMPACT VP of Client Success Tom DiScipio often does, he turned to books as a means to prepare for and grow into his current role. Over the past 12 months, Tom devoured five specific books that aligned closely with several key areas in which he wanted to develop. Areas, quite frankly, I think we could all stand to level-up in. In this article from Tom, discover the five most important leadership books you can read right now, so you can become a better professional and a better leader.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "Working from home right now is rough, and I need a laugh and to have someone actually relate to what I'm going through — can you help me out?" (3-minute read)

Working from home has always had its ups and downs. However, as COVID-19 threats increased for people leaving their homes, so did the number of people working remotely. In fact, "88% of organizations have encouraged or required their employees to work from home [since the outbreak]." As a result, many more people have gotten a firsthand look at the emotional rollercoaster of working from home. In this utterly relatable roundup from IMPACT VP of Talent Natalie Davis, catch a glimpse of the most common challenges folks are facing right now working from home... as told through memes

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "As a B2B marketer, why do I need to be paying attention to Microsoft and LinkedIn right now, when it comes to paid advertising?" (5-minute read)

Search engines give you high-intent users or users with "readiness to buy," LinkedIn gives you bigger fish with deeper pockets. Where's the balance? What's a digital advertiser to do? Well, Microsoft has figured it out. And we're here to tell you that the digital advertising game is about to totally change. So, for all of you wondering, "Is LinkedIn worth the cost?" well it's about to become worth it. Way worth it. In this article from IMPACT Paid Media Specialist Dan Baum, learn how Microsoft and LinkedIn are changing the paid advertising game in the best way possible... especially for B2B marketers.

💬 You asked, we answered 

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that's caught my eye:

📆 Marketing events you need to know

🎬 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST... 

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We LOVE our pals at Office Interiors... and this blooper reel is absolutely hysterical. And yes, this is a not-so-subtle reminder that you need to be creating video. Lots of video. Now more than ever. Thanks.

Have a great weekend!

Liz "Athleisurewear Supermodel" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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