[THE LATEST] The #1 thing sales gets wrong about marketing, the only Google Ads copy formulas you'll ever need, and HubSpot partner agencies vs. digital marketing freelancers - EMEL


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

[THE LATEST] The #1 thing sales gets wrong about marketing, the only Google Ads copy formulas you'll ever need, and HubSpot partner agencies vs. digital marketing freelancers

The #1 thing sales gets wrong about marketing, the only Google Ads copy formulas you'll ever need, and HubSpot partner agencies vs. digital marketing freelancers ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

🎓 Have you checked out IMPACT+? You can get started for free and – for access additional course content, virtual peer groups, and more – upgrade to IMPACT+ PRO for only $49 per month. Get this pricing while it lasts, though; it goes up to $99 per month on July 1.

After a week of being "Nashville adjacent" with Franco Valentino and his family down in Tennessee, I am back!

How was my vacation? Well, even though the pandemic meant this was as close as I got to the honkey-tonk parts of Music City... 

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...we cooked and ate obscene amounts of good food, like the al pastor tacos you see above. 

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...and I spent every single day like this – in the pool, soaking up the sunshine, drinking delicious homemade cocktails and local beer, and getting overly competitive while playing pool basketball. 

On top of all of that relaxation, however, I spent 30+ hours (total) driving by myself in my feisty little Jeep. 

Man, oh man... was it beautiful:

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I know I sound like a lunatic, willingly driving from Connecticut to Tennessee (and back again), but hear me out:

  • First, you haven't lived until you've driven along the Blue Ridge Mountains, "Bang a Gong" by T-Rex blasting, with your windows down and your sunroof open, as the Virginia highway sprawls in front of you. 
  • Second, as someone who occasionally loves to force some uncomfortable self-reflection time on myself to trigger growth, there is no better place to do that than trapped in a car, where it's just you and your thoughts... and no escape. 

The latter was particularly important for me this trip.

On the whole, 2020 has been completely wild for me. I packed my entire life up in a U-haul and moved to Connecticut on the last day of February. Then, on the "all of humanity" scale, we're all still right now living through history in the making with the pandemic and massive social change

So, by the time my trip rolled around, I not only needed a break, I desperately needed that alone time in my car to reflect:

Personally, am I being as helpful and kind as possible to those I care about? Are there still people in my life I'm wasting time and energy on because I'm not willing to admit they do not treat me as I should be treated? What have I been wrong about recently? Am I living up to my own values? What do I really want out of my life and this world? 

Professionally, am I doing what I love? (Spoiler, yes.) Am I really doing everything I can to better align our sales and marketing teams? How can I be working smarter and not harder? If I could break everything I'm doing right now and put it back together, what would I do differently? How can I be a better leader?

Taking a vacation – or even just 10 minutes to sit at our desk and purposefully pause and reflect on those questions – may feel like a luxury none of us can afford right now. Every precious second must be milked for maximum output and efficiency, right?

Wrong. As someone who had allowed herself to burnout spectacularly before finally taking a vacation, hear me when I say this:

Whether it's five minutes or five days, you owe it to yourself, your sanity, your coworkers, and your company to force yourself to rest and reflect. If you don't, your decision-making will become more reactive, your choices will become less reliable, and the quality of your work product will suffer. 

Plus, you're a human being. So, give yourself the grace and the space to just be a human once in awhile. It's OK, I won't tell anybody.

👉 "Wait, so what is the #1 thing sales people get wrong about their marketing counterparts?" (8-minute read)

A tightly aligned sales and marketing team are 67% better at closing deals, can increase revenue by 209%, and have 36% higher customer retention rates. But, despite the many benefits that businesses experience by having a strong sales and marketing relationship, there is still a pervasive disconnect between the two departments. One of the major causes of this is when each team (sales and marketing) as a misconception about the other. In this article from IMPACT Lead Digital Sales and Marketing Coach Chris Marr, he thoughtfully and expertly dives into what the #1 thing sales gets wrong about marketing and why.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "We need our Google Ads to make money, so what are the best fool-proof copywriting formulas we need to know?" (8-minute read)

There are a lot of ways Google Ads copy can go wrong. What's worse is that those mistakes are not always easy to spot. This is especially true for those who may be all-star copywriters for websites, landing pages, and blog articles, since Google Ads is an entirely different ballgame – a ballgame where many of the normal rules do not apply. Have no fear, digital marketers! You're one click away from leveling-up your Google Ads copy know-how from novice to expert. In this crazy valuable article, IMPACT Paid Media Specialist is literally just giving away all of the Google Ads copywriting secret sauce you need to turn your paid campaigns into guaranteed money-makers.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "So, why should we consider a HubSpot partner agency over a freelance digital marketer?" (6-minute read)

If you're a marketing director looking for a little "help" generating traffic, leads, and sales for your business, who can you turn to? Do you focus on hiring new in-house talent? Cost-effective outsourcing? Building a relationship with a marketing agency? Or working with freelancers? The options may seem to endlessly pile up (and your pro/con list may be equally as long) as you try to make the best decision for your business. In this article from IMPACT HubSpot all-star Jessica Palmieri, you'll learn why a HubSpot partner agency might be a better fit than just going with a digital marketing freelancer.

💬 You asked, we answered

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that caught my eye:

🏡 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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I want a waffle home... 😞

Glad to be back! Talk to y'all later this week! 

Liz "Bang a Gong" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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