[THE LATEST] 21+ jaw-dropping 404 error page examples, TikTok's shaky future for marketing, and top LinkedIn lead generation tips for 2020 and beyond - EMEL


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

[THE LATEST] 21+ jaw-dropping 404 error page examples, TikTok's shaky future for marketing, and top LinkedIn lead generation tips for 2020 and beyond

21+ jaw-dropping 404 error page examples, TikTok's shaky future for marketing, and top LinkedIn lead generation tips for 2020 and beyond ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

😍 The big day is almost here! Join us for Scaling Up Your Digital Sales and Marketing on July 28, a half-day live virtual event for business leaders looking to take their digital sales and marketing to the next level. Check out the agenda — we just added a BUNCH of new speakers — and then register for free today! 

As I shared in my article today about 404 error pages, I'm not only good at origami, I'm also really good at getting lost. (What can I say? Stevie Wonder's dulcet tones are distractingly good!)

Want to know what else I'm good at? Well, here's a short list:

  • Finding a way to organically weave Jurassic Park quotes into work conversations at least twice a week. ("Life finds a way. And, like the dinosaurs, so will you with your lead generation campaign. I believe in you.")
  • Writing
  • Making macaroni and cheese with from-scratch cheese sauce. Yum.
  • Actually, my Italian wedding soup is boss, too. And my tiramisu. I'm basically a little cooking machine. 
  • Planning complex trips and events with limited resources and short timelines. 
  • I have really nice handwriting.
  • Giving 17-paragraph answers to "yes or no" questions, without ever answering "yes" or "no." It's a feature and a bug.❤️
  • Finding a way to justify any purchase for friends, no matter how frivolous. ("Duh, of course you need a separate outfit for meal planning on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. What are you supposed to do? Wear your regular clothes like some peasant?")
  • Building processes, templates, and documentation for just about anything. Seriously, the level of excitement I derive from process-building is weird.
  • Giving good advice to others... and then finding 1,000,000 ways to not take that advice myself, because I'm different and special and shut up, my problems are harder.
  • Random Family Guy references, because I'm a 15-year-old boy.
  • Logic puzzles and trivia games.
  • Unwavering, passionate pumpkin spice and cold weather advocacy work. (Only 71 days until October, y'all! My body is ready.)
  • Napping. It's a sport. It's an art form. It's a lifestyle choice. Get on my level.

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 "What are the best examples of crazy — but also super effective — 404 error pages from businesses?" (13-minute read)

Ah, the 404 error page. Unfairly maligned, often overlooked, and consistently ignored — but not by me. What I don't think most people realize how make-or-break the 404 page experience can be for your website visitor. It's so easy to get a 404 error page right as a brand, but too often, I encounter confusing, frustrating 404 page experiences that are so annoying, I will abandon a company website entirely. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. So, I'm here to save the day with this comprehensive overview of the features and best practices every branded 404 error page must include, as well as 21+ super cool, crazy creative, and utterly effective 404 error pages... hand-selected by me.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "TikTok has been in the news recently, and not for good reasons — as marketers and advertisers, what do we need to know? Should we stop looking at the platform?" (5-minute read)

The bans on TikTok have come flooding in over the past few weeks — as has news about the app and its practices regarding data collection and storage. First, India's government banned TikTok along with nearly 60 other Chinese-made apps. This was closely followed by the U.S. Army and Navy banning service members from using the app on government devices. Now, a bill is in progress to ban federal employees from having TikTok on their government devices as well. It's a lot for anyone to process. Thankfully, IMPACT Director of Community and Events Stephanie Baiocchi is here with the full, easy-to-understand rundown of what's going on with TikTok and whether or not recent news should be a concern for digital marketers.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "What are the best strategies for generating leads on LinkedIn? Is it worth our time?" (6-minute read)

If you're a sales rep for a B2B business, it's very likely that the exact people you're looking to sell to are on LinkedIn, just as you are. At the same time, LinkedIn is more popular than ever, seeing sustained growth and usage stats as it launches new features and other improvements. Even so, professionals are not leveraging LinkedIn as effectively as they could be to connect with their prospects. In this exclusive interview with Connect 365 CEO Josh Turner, get the inside scoop on how to build relationships with prospects on LinkedIn, even at scale.

💬 You asked, we answered

🎒 Go back to school with IMPACT+

We've all got a lot of spare time at home now, so put it to good use! Yes, you need a free IMPACT+ account to access these, but you won't regret it:

🔎 In case you missed it

Here are a few of my favorite articles we've published from the past week that you may have missed:

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that caught my eye:

🍎 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...


"Costs less." LOL. This memory mocks me as I look at the new Apple Watch Series 5 pricing. 

That's all, folks! 

Liz "Let's Get Lost" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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