[THE LATEST] 7 essential SEO strategy tips, 8 email newsletter mistakes that are killing your click-throughs, and 5 ways for marketers to thrive in a sales environment - EMEL


Saturday, July 25, 2020

[THE LATEST] 7 essential SEO strategy tips, 8 email newsletter mistakes that are killing your click-throughs, and 5 ways for marketers to thrive in a sales environment

7 essential SEO strategy tips, 8 email newsletter mistakes that are killing your click-throughs, and 5 ways for marketers to thrive in a sales environment ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

⚠️ Next week is almost here! Join us for Scaling Up Your Digital Sales and Marketing on July 28, a half-day live virtual event for business leaders looking to take their digital sales and marketing to the next level. Check out the agenda and then register for free today! 

When IMPACT HubSpot Trainer Jess Palmeri asked me to contribute to her article on email newsletter mistakes — more specifically, how my being open and personal in this very newsletter has improved the results I've seen with THE LATEST — I was happy to oblige:

"...I decided to start experimenting. I told stories about my life — for example, I shared the fact that I went through a divorce — and I became much more comfortable being my goofy self or talking about what scares me.

What was wild was that, the more I put myself out there in a way that I thought would be rejected or hated, the more our audience positively responded with more engagement, personal replies sharing their own stories, and higher click-through rates." (Read the rest.)

So, to continue my results-producing trend of pulling back the curtain on my personal life in deep, thought-provoking ways that illuminate greater truths about life, the world, and how we exist within it, I'll share the following:

I don't know how to ride a bike. I never learned because I grew up in a townhouse in the city and then, later on, an apartment building. Now that I am a 6-foot-tall adult with a decidedly tenuous grasp on what it means to not be at war with gravity at all times, I feel it safer to keep my two feet planted firmly on the ground. 

Also, just now, I stubbed my toe on the coffee table and swore a lot.

Then I blamed Pumpkin, who was staring at me, as I hopped around. I asked her why she would put the coffee table in my way (it hadn't moved) when she knew I was still feeling petty and bent out of shape over the decidedly frustrating Nationals loss to the Yankees on Thursday night

And that, ladies and gents, is how it's done. 😎

You have just witnessed a master-class in what it means to "show a little skin" in your email newsletter. Now, if you'll be so kind as to return the favor with a few click-throughs on the stories below, I would be very grateful.

Especially since I just admitted publicly to tens of thousands of you that I am a woman who lives alone and talks to her cat... you kind of owe me. 

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 "What are the most impactful ways we can improve our technical SEO strategy?" (9-minute read)

Optimizing your site for search engines basically means you're improving your online presence, so you're more likely to be found by qualified visitors in search results. Think about it. When you search for something, how often do you leave the first page of results? I can bet that you find what you're looking for in the first few listings, and ignore the rest. How can you ensure you earn your audience's coveted click in 2020? In this article from IMPACT Director of Operations Kaitlyn Petro, uncover the seven specific and powerful ways you can supercharge your current technical SEO strategy to see better results.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "What are the most common ways we are killing our email click-through rates, and how can we improve them?" (7-minute read)

When you hear the word "newsletter" what do you think of? Does that word have a good connotation or a bad one for you? At IMPACT, we help clients all over the world perfect their email marketing newsletters, but we must admit, when we hear the word "newsletter" we still cringe a little on the inside. Why? Because most email newsletters are awful! But that ends right now, with this show-stopping article from IMPACT HubSpot Trainer Jess Palmieri, who is here to share with you the eight ways you're killing your click-through rates on your email newsletter and the specific tactics you need to embrace to boost them.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "Help! How can marketers thrive in a sales-focused environment?" (5-minute read)

If you're a marketer, how much of your marketing strategy is directly aligned with sales efforts? This is a really important question to be able to answer — especially right now, as companies scramble to make up lost revenue, as COVID-19 continues to create havoc. Even if you're not a team leader, these are a few ways you as a marketer can help build sales and marketing alignment into your team, from the ground up, and thrive in a sales-focused environment. In this article from Wiza.co Head of Content Brooklin Nash, learn his five-step guide to being a marketer who not only aligns with sales but also thrives in a revenue-driven company.

💬 You asked, we answered

🤔 Have questions about HubSpot?

Join us on Thursday, July 30... 

HubSpot AMA with Joe and Carina - Webinar Hero-2

Be there. It will be, as the kids say, "lit, fam."

🎒 Go back to school with IMPACT+

We've all got a lot of spare time at home now, so put it to good use! Yes, you need a free IMPACT+ account to access these, but you won't regret it:

🔎 In case you missed it

Here are a few of my favorite articles we've published from the past week that you may have missed:

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that caught my eye:

🍠 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

Image from iOS (12)-1

🎶 Weekend jam

It's that time of the week, when I fill your noggin' with some of my favorite tunes. And this week's jammy jam is...

Screen Shot 2020-07-25 at 6.14.49 PM

Electricity, Electricity by Goodness

This School House Rock! Rocks cover album rocked my pre-teen world when it came out while I was in middle school. Featuring Better Than Ezra, Blind Melon, Biz Markie, Skee-Lo, and others, the entire record, start to finish, is just so good.

But this peppy little ditty from Goodness has always been my personal favorite. 

Have a great weekend! 

Liz "Gravity Victim" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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