[THE LATEST] Why trust is the most important currency for your business, 24 world-class blog post examples, and the Ultimate Salesforce to HubSpot CRM migration checklist - EMEL


Thursday, July 9, 2020

[THE LATEST] Why trust is the most important currency for your business, 24 world-class blog post examples, and the Ultimate Salesforce to HubSpot CRM migration checklist

Why trust is the most important currency for your business, 24 world-class blog post examples, and the Ultimate Salesforce to HubSpot CRM migration checklist ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

GET! 👏YOUR! 👏FREE! 👏TICKET! 👏TODAY! 👏 Join us for Scaling Up Your Digital Sales and Marketing on July 28, a half-day live virtual event for business leaders looking to take their digital sales and marketing to the next level. Registration is free, so reserve your seat today! 

I've been thinking a lot about the concept of trust recently. Thankfully, my #1 literary boo, Ernest Hemingway, has a quote for just about everything:

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That sounds so simple on its face, but it's absolutely terrifying to think about. Earning trust is such a slippery and tricky and fickle endeavor... but so is keeping that trust in tact, once it's in place.

A loss of trust is a terminal diagnosis for relationships of all stripes. For example, it doesn't matter how attractive or compatible or otherwise positively wonderful a romantic (or business) partner might be.

If you can't trust them to be honest with you, to have your best interests at heart, and to share your values and your vision, that relationship will fall apart. 

"Geez, Liz, this is all kind of heavy for a sunny Thursday... are you doing OK?"

Don't worry, I'm fine! I'm not nursing any secret wounds over here — and my summer-lovin', happy mood from the holiday weekend is very much in tact. I just think we all needed a reminder today of how important trust is. 

Being honest with yourself about the role of trust in your life is such a beautiful thing, though.

Yes, it may hurt to admit when someone has abused your trust. But oh, when it's there, there's no other feeling like it. You feel safe and understood and truly seen — a downright magical confluence of feelings that is irreplaceable. 

And when someone trusts you, you should think of it as the most precious gift... one to be protected at all costs. 

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 "Why is trust the most important currency for any business, no matter their industry or size?" (5-minute read)

If you were to ask someone if Facebook or Google are going to be fundamental parts of their business' success in 25 years, they will say they don't really know. However, if you ask someone if trust will be a fundamental part of their business' success, they will say, absolutely. Facebook is a platform, a tool. Tools come and go as markets change. Trust is a timeless principle. In this article from IMPACT partner, international speaker, and author of They Ask, You Answer Marcus Sheridan, learn why trust is the #1 currency for any business, the three ways you can build trust with your ideal buyers, and how to repair broken trust.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "We know we need to write quality blog content, but what does high-quality, revenue-generating blog content actually look like?" (14-minute read)

I've mentioned this on multiple occasions, but one of my biggest gripes about the content marketing world is that we spend so much time talking about how important creating quality, revenue-generating content is to our strategies, but we rarely show what high-quality blog content looks like. Well, all of that ends right now. In this article from little ol' me, I've hand-selected 24 of the absolute best blog post examples for you to learn from — every single one of them is a case study in how to craft engaging blog content that also makes you money.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "We're thinking about migrating from Salesforce to the HubSpot CRM — what exactly is involved in that kind of migration, and how complicated is it?" (6-minute read)

So, you're thinking about making the big leap from Salesforce to the HubSpot CRM for your sales team. Still, exciting as it may be to make such a jump, there is a lot to keep in mind when migrating platforms. Truth be told, it's easy to feel intimidated or overwhelmed by a migration of such a scale, especially if you've been using Salesforce for a really long time. Have no fear, however! IMPACT HubSpot Trainer Joe Bachir is here to save the day with his top-to-bottom, no-stone-unturned ultimate Salesforce to HubSpot CRM migration checklist.

💬 You asked, we answered

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that caught my eye:

🔎 In case you missed it

Here are a few of my favorite articles we've published from the past week that you may have missed:

🎭 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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"So, you want to direct a community theater musical production."

Ta-ta for now, nerds!

Liz "Mrs. Hemingway" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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