[THE LATEST] 7 reckless B2B content marketing mistakes, 63 wild content marketing statistics for 2020, and banish writer's block from content creation FOREVER in under 90 minutes - EMEL


Saturday, August 1, 2020

[THE LATEST] 7 reckless B2B content marketing mistakes, 63 wild content marketing statistics for 2020, and banish writer's block from content creation FOREVER in under 90 minutes

7 reckless B2B content marketing mistakes, 63 wild content marketing statistics for 2020, and banish writer's block from content creation FOREVER in under 90 minutes ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

💥 Buying behavior has fundamentally changed — has your marketing adapted to the new reality of what your ideal buyers want? In the Digital Sales & Marketing Framework for Today's Buyer, a 100% free course from IMPACT+, you'll learn exactly how the buying process has changed and the exact proven strategies you need to embrace to achieve the growth you're looking for in sales and marketing.

Did you know that 56% of content marketers said they either absolutely didn't or were unsure if they measure the ROI of their content marketing?


How do you live in a world where you don't measure what you're doing?

That'd be like Nicholas Cage and Angelina Jolie not caring how long it took to actually steal a car:

Purple Yellow Blue and Pink Disease Prevention Coronavirus Awareness Poster

You're never gonna boost Eleanor with that kind of laissez-faire attitude. 

Look, in addition to being low-key obsessed with process-making, I go a little nutty for being able to prove the ROI of the content we publish as a company. 

For example, one of our absolute sales all-stars, Marc Amigone, recently closed a deal for our digital sales and marketing coaching services.

While we were all celebrating (as we always do), I asked for a link to the deal record in HubSpot. I wanted to see what content had led to the close of that deal, because — in addition to Marc's undeniable skillz — I love empowering others by showing them that the content they create matters. 

In the case of this specific deal, the content that contributed to its close included, but was not limited to:

And all of this content was consumed before anyone reached out to our sales team. 

In addition to giving those folks who created that content the warm and fuzzies, this level of reporting shows that the content we're creating isn't just building brand awareness — it's also making us money

(And, in case you haven't seen my bio page on IMPACT recently, I'm a gal who loves content that makes money.)

Here's the deal, kiddos. 

If you're part of that 56%, hear me now when I say that not reporting on the ROI of your content marketing is not an option.

Because if you're running a strategy right now where no one is asking for the ROI on what you're doing, you're considered an expense, not essential. And, when the going gets tough, things that are expenses get cut. 

So, get the right technology in-house, if you don't already have it, and get to work. You'll thank me for it later.

👉 "Our B2B content marketing activities aren't generating results — what are we doing wrong?" (8-minute read)

Content marketing doesn't often get the props it deserves. When you know what mistakes to avoid, your B2B content marketing can drive incredible results in website traffic and qualified lead generation. It can also shorten the sales cycle and increase your revenue. But that's only true if you're not derailing your efforts with thoughtless execution or lack of focus. In this article from one of my favorite humans (and our director of demand generation) Kristen Harold, discover the 7 most common and totally reckless B2B content marketing mistakes that you can't afford to make.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "A lot has changed in content marketing — what are the most important statistics we need to know to inform or update our current strategy?" (7-minute read)

Turn back the clock to 2008 and when you heard the term "content marketing," people were most likely referring to written blogs, but the landscape has expanded and evolved dramatically in the past decade. Today, content takes the form of video, imagery, quizzes, social media stories, PDFs, Google Ads, printed posters, and even words across a t-shirt. In this illuminating article from IMPACT Head of Editorial Ramona Sukhraj, get the inside scoop on the most mind-boggling content marketing statistics, so you can have a killer end-of-year strategy ready to rock.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "OK, what is this course you're telling me is going to make me immune to writer's block forever?" (2-minute read + online course)

On the whole, the content marketing industrial complex has done a great job of telling people how important it is to create content that answers our ideal buyers' most pressing questions. But we have done an absolutely garbage job of teaching anyone a repeatable process of how to plan out a piece of content, write an introduction, make your blog article body sing, and write a show-stopping, action-driving conclusion. Until today, that is. Introducing my brand new IMPACT+ course, The Subject Matter Expert's Guide to Content, which will teach you how to plan a piece of content, how to write an introduction, how to write a conclusion, and to turn any article from zero to hero

💬 You asked, we answered

🎒 Go back to school with IMPACT+

We've all got a lot of spare time at home now, so put it to good use! Yes, you need a free IMPACT+ account to access these, but you won't regret it:

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that caught my eye:

😱 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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Put another way, in the words of modern day philosopher Samuel L. Jackson, "Hold onto your butts."

🎶 Weekend jam

It's that time of the week, when I fill your noggin' with some of my favorite tunes. And this week's jammy jam is...

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"Moonlight Drive" by The Doors

Oh, you know. Just one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE SONGS from probably my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BAND OF ALL TIME. It's just one of the very few keys that unlock my cold, dark, coal lump of my heart. No big deal.

Have a great weekend! 

Liz "Let's Make Lots of Money" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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