[THE LATEST] 15 re-engagement emails you'll want to steal for your company, 7 video production essentials for all businesses, and HubSpot Training Day custom agenda for content managers - EMEL


Saturday, September 12, 2020

[THE LATEST] 15 re-engagement emails you'll want to steal for your company, 7 video production essentials for all businesses, and HubSpot Training Day custom agenda for content managers

15 re-engagement emails you'll want to steal for your company, 7 video production essentials for all businesses, and HubSpot Training Day custom agenda for content managers ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

👋 Yo, tickets are now on sale for HubSpot Training Day on October 27! But they'll only be $39 for tickets until September 15... then it'll be $99. HubSpot can transform your business, if your whole team knows how to get the most from your investment. Get your ticket today! (Psst! You don't need to have HubSpot to attend! It's also an ideal fit for companies that are still considering HubSpot for their company.)

Ask anyone I've coached on creating content, the #1 question I ask whenever someone slides a blog article draft across my virtual desk is, "Could anyone else have written this but you?" If the answer is yes, then that poor soul needs to go back to the drawing board to put more of themselves and their personality into their piece. 

Why? Well, as I like to say, "They're asking and you're answering, but how will you make sure they remember it was you who gave them the answer?"

I'll show you what I mean.

Most recently, a friend wounded me on an emotional and spiritual level when he "joked" that Godfather III was the best of the trilogy. (I mean, really, the helicopter massacre scene alone makes my insides hurt.)

Being the totally calm and rational human that I am, I immediately shot back with accusations of him being a blasphemer of the highest order. I'm sorry, but a girl's gotta have her standards.

He replied the next day with an apology and his real answer to the question of how he would rank all of the Godfather movies:


I love how he put himself in it as a little professor, and also the way the Part III bar is crumpled at the bottom. Ha! 

He's a super talented artist, and this was his way of answering a question in a way that was totally expressive of who he is as a person. It also fully restored my faith in his morals, convictions, and strength of character, thus allowing our friendship to remain in tact. (Seriously, Part III is a three-hour hot mess express, that cannot be overstated.)

Remember, the more you put of yourself into the answers you give in your content — through personal stories, conversational tone, and maybe even the rogue doodle now and then — you won't just educate your audience. You'll also help them get to know who you are as a person, which builds trust and makes you completely unforgettable.

That's an unstoppable combination in the content marketing world.

And now, here's THE LATEST

👉 "What are the best examples of re-engagement email campaigns from brands?" (6-minute read)

In the last decade, MarketingSherpa research has found that B2B marketing lists tend to decay at a rate of 2.1% per month. This is an annualized rate of 22.5%. Holy depreciation, Batman. Even if your inactive contacts remain subscribed, they are likely skewing your analytics and could be hurting your deliverability, engagement, and, in turn, overall effectiveness. So, it's best not to let them linger. In fact, a re-engagement email may be just what you need. In this article from IMPACT Managing Editor Ramona Sukhraj, check out the 15 best re-engagement emails from brands from all industries that you'll totally want to steal for your own company

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "We're just getting started with video marketing, what equipment do we absolutely need?" (8-minute read)

The goals of video marketing and production for your company is likely to provide helpful information about your product or service to your customers to drive more qualified traffic down your sales funnel and to increase your company's presence online as the knowledge base for your industry. To meet the expectations needed to accomplish these goals, the video production gear purchased should give your business a professional look and feel. That means equipment that will deliver good picture quality, sound, and lighting. In this article from IMPACT Video Trainer Lindsey Schmidt, get the inside scoop on the seven types of essential video production equipment you need to nail your video marketing.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "I'm a content manager interested in attending HubSpot Training Day — what are the must-attend sessions for someone in my specific role?" (4-minute read)

That's right, word nerds. This event isn't just for digital marketers and business leaders. So, put down your AP Stylebook, and block out your calendar for this can't-miss training experience. Not only is yours truly speaking at our upcoming virtual HubSpot Training Day event on October 27 — the day after my birthday, I might add 🎉 — there are definitely can't-miss sessions for content managers, content specialists, and content writers who work at companies leveraging HubSpot (or are considering it). So, from yours truly, here is your custom HubSpot Training Day agenda for content managers, so you can make the most out of this incredible virtual event experience.

💬 You asked, we answered

🎒 Go back to school with IMPACT+

Yes, you need an IMPACT+ account to access these, but you won't regret it:

  • Inbounder's Guide to Email Marketing | Free
    In this course, you'll learn the inbound approach to email marketing. We'll cover what email marketing is, how to keep it inboundy, the benefits of email marketing, how to grow your email contact database, and the different types of emails you can send to recipients (that they actually want to open).
  • Getting Started with LinkedIn B2B Advertising | Free
    In this course, you'll learn just how powerful LinkedIn ads can be for your B2B brand, how to make the most of your budget within the platform, and what to look for when managing these campaigns.

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that caught my eye:

👀 In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

🌙 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

Image from iOS (15)

Sleep tight... or at least try to.

Have a great weekend! 

Liz "Always Take the Cannoli" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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