[THE LATEST] 55 web design stats you must know, 13 rockstar video marketing tips to make your videos *chef's kiss* perfect, and a custom HubSpot Training Day agenda for sales pros - EMEL


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

[THE LATEST] 55 web design stats you must know, 13 rockstar video marketing tips to make your videos *chef's kiss* perfect, and a custom HubSpot Training Day agenda for sales pros

55 web design stats you must know, 13 rockstar video marketing tips to make your videos *chef's kiss* perfect, and a custom HubSpot Training Day agenda for sales pros ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

😯Tickets for HubSpot Training Day are now $99... unless you use my discount code "LIZHASFRIENDS" for a super secret discount. How much is the discount for? Find out when you go through checkout for your ticket purchase. And remember, you don't need to have HubSpot to attend!

One of the most critical components of guaranteeing that your video content is polished, professional, and pristine is having the right video equipment at your fingertips. 

However, as I was getting ready for another afternoon of filming at IMPACT HQ today, I realized something. Fresh lighting, rockstar-level cameras, and a dapper little clapperboard — yes, that's its real name — are absolutely essential:

Image from iOS (16)

I always feel so official with this setup. I'll be in my trailer. 😎

But the true, unsung equipment hero of the video marketing world (in my eyes, at least) is Zoom. Yes, that Zoom, the video conferencing solution many of us spend our days in, politely "advising" coworkers and clients alike that they're on mute. 

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Because, when I'm getting camera-ready, Zoom is always there for me as the virtual mirror I need... to straighten my hair and do my makeup... because the bathroom is super far away, and... 

...hm, maybe this is not something I should admit to y'all. Maybe it's less "MacGuyver" and more "sad lazy person." Oh well, too late now. 

Anyway, here's THE LATEST

👉 "What are your best video marketing tips for making sure our video content is professional and polished?" (7-minute read)

Have you ever been watching a video, in desperate need of the information it promises to give you, but just can't get over how badly it was produced? Our video producer Megan believes she can't be only one who's stopped watching a video because of distractingly bad audio or the poorly lit people. In fact, there have actually been times where she could only find one video on the exact thing she needed, and she couldn't get through it. So, she just decided not to know the thing. If you want to avoid a similar fate, this article from Megan is for you — in it she describes her 13 best tips for guaranteeing the high quality of your video content, so you don't drive your audience away.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "What key UX and design facts do we need to know before our next website redesign project?" (1-minute read + infographic)

If you're building a house, you wouldn't start hanging drywall without the framing, or start filling a room with furniture before painting the walls, right? When it comes to building a home, having a plan is important. In other words, you shouldn't put the cart before the horse, and the same concept applies to building or redesigning a website. A website is essentially a digital home for your brand, and before you invite visitors, or planning your look, you'll need a plan. In this article from IMPACT Website Project Manager Chelsea Boice, get the inside scoop on the 55 essential design and UX stats you must know before you redesign you business website.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "I'm a sales professional interested in attending HubSpot Training Day — what are the must-attend sessions for someone in my specific role?" (6-minute read)

HubSpot Training Day is a full-day virtual learning event on October 27, that will teach you how to be a more effective sales professional through tactical working sessions and industry-leading keynote presentations from HubSpot product owners, academy professors, and even some of your favorite IMPACTers. While we are using the platform to show you how to be a more effective and successful sales pro, the topics we are covering can all be adapted to just about any sales situation or tool. And, in this article from IMPACT Community and Events Manager Connor DeLaney, get your custom HubSpot Training Day agenda for sales professionals

💬 You asked, we answered

🎒 Go back to school with IMPACT+

Yes, you need an IMPACT+ account to access these, but you won't regret it:

  • Inbounder's Guide to Email Marketing | Free
    In this course, you'll learn the inbound approach to email marketing. We'll cover what email marketing is, how to keep it inboundy, the benefits of email marketing, how to grow your email contact database, and the different types of emails you can send to recipients (that they actually want to open).
  • Getting Started with LinkedIn B2B Advertising | Free
    In this course, you'll learn just how powerful LinkedIn ads can be for your B2B brand, how to make the most of your budget within the platform, and what to look for when managing these campaigns.

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that caught my eye:

👀 In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

🌪️ Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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The 2020 weather report: "Now they're basketball-sized."

Stay tuned, you'll have a guest author for the next issue! 

Liz "Ready for My Close-up" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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