[THE LATEST] How to use Trello to run your content strategy, the consequences of not creating your content in-house, and HubSpot Training Day custom agenda for marketers - EMEL


Thursday, September 10, 2020

[THE LATEST] How to use Trello to run your content strategy, the consequences of not creating your content in-house, and HubSpot Training Day custom agenda for marketers

How to use Trello to run your content strategy, the consequences of not creating your content in-house, and HubSpot Training Day custom agenda for marketers ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

🚀 Tickets are now on sale for HubSpot Training Day on October 27! Ticket prices go up from $39 to $99 on September 15, so don't wait. HubSpot can transform your business, if your whole team knows how to get the most from your investment. Get your ticket today! (Psst! You don't need to have HubSpot to attend! It's also an ideal fit for companies that are still considering HubSpot for their company.)

The content strategy I develop and execute for IMPACT has loads and loads of comparison content. (I mean, duh, it's one of The Big 5 blog topics, right?)

It is in that spirit that I present the following comparison to you:

Image from iOS (14)

Michael Shannon is Bill Hader's mean older brother. 

Seriously, I can easily imagine Bill at a dinner table saying (without making eye contact), "You know, Michael... Michael's actually really sweet once you get to know him. Don't let that tough exterior fool you..."

All the while, you can hear Michael in the kitchen, slamming cabinets and swearing at a small child about the importance of salting your water when you make pasta, before smashing a chafing dish, saying he can't work under these conditions.

You can try to change my mind about this comparison, but you'll fail.

And now, here's THE LATEST

👉 "How do you use Trello to run a content strategy, and what examples or tips can you share?" (13-minute read)

Trello is an incredibly simple, yet powerful tool for any company. You can use it for tracking personal tasks, collaborating on complex projects, running a marketing campaign with lots of moving pieces, and more. But one of the best ways you can use it is for your content strategy. In fact, I use Trello (without any paid add-ons) to run IMPACT's educational, revenue, and video content strategies, and I would recommend the same to anyone. Which is why I wrote this comprehensive, example-filled, tips-laden overview of how to use Trello to run your company's content strategy — trust me, this will rock your content world.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "Why can't we outsource our content creation to an agency? What are the consequences, really?" (5-minute read)

Thousands of companies around the world are doing what you and I call "content," "inbound," or "blogging," but let's be frank: The majority are frustrated. Most don't get great results. And many are tired of waiting to see the benefits of their work. If you fall in this category, it likely comes down to one thing: content ownership — or a lack thereof. And, in this hold-no-punches article from They Ask, You Answer author Marcus Sheridan, you will get the cold, hard truth about why creating your own content in-house is absolutely critical to your success with content marketing.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "I'm a digital marketer interested in attending HubSpot Training Day — what are the must-attend sessions for someone in my specific role?" (8-minute read)

Conceived as the super tactical, ridiculously actionable marketing event we've been dreaming of, HubSpot Training Day will have some of your favorite HubSpot speakers, academy professors, and product owners, teaching and sharing their expertise. With so many sessions, however, it can be challenging (and time consuming) to figure out exactly where you should spend your time. Well, stress less, because IMPACT Director of Community and Events Stephanie Baiocchi is here with her custom agenda for digital marketers just like you who want to attend HubSpot Training Day on October 27.

💬 You asked, we answered

🎒 Go back to school with IMPACT+

Yes, you need an IMPACT+ account to access these, but you won't regret it:

  • Inbounder's Guide to Email Marketing | Free
    In this course, you'll learn the inbound approach to email marketing. We'll cover what email marketing is, how to keep it inboundy, the benefits of email marketing, how to grow your email contact database, and the different types of emails you can send to recipients (that they actually want to open).
  • Getting Started with LinkedIn B2B Advertising | Free
    In this course, you'll learn just how powerful LinkedIn ads can be for your B2B brand, how to make the most of your budget within the platform, and what to look for when managing these campaigns.

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that caught my eye:

  • Does anyone else have issues with hosting their website on Go Daddy — Pamela is struggling to manage her clients websites and is looking for a new platform to host them on. Any suggestions?

👀 In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

🎧 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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If you know what John and I are talking about, here you go. And if you don't... just lie to me and tell me I'm pretty, OK?

Peace out, cub scout! 

Liz "Really, He's a Nice Guy" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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