[THE LATEST] THE LATEST turns 2, the 10 best SaaS marketing tools and platforms, everything you need to know about HubSpot workflows, and how They Ask, You Answer can fail even with all the right pieces - EMEL


Thursday, September 24, 2020

[THE LATEST] THE LATEST turns 2, the 10 best SaaS marketing tools and platforms, everything you need to know about HubSpot workflows, and how They Ask, You Answer can fail even with all the right pieces

THE LATEST is 2 years old, the 10 best SaaS marketing tools and platforms, everything you need to know about HubSpot workflows, and how They Ask, You Answer can fail even with all the right pieces ...this is THE LATEST!

🎉 Hot off the presses

🎉 Tickets for HubSpot Training Day are now $99. But, if you use my code LIZHASFRIENDS you'll get yours for $49! Whether you're a digital marketer, content manager, sales pro, or business leader, there's something for you at HubSpot Training Day ...even if you don't use HubSpot!

I'm back home from vacation and, holy cannoli, do I have something crazy to show y'all:

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"Uh, what the heck is that, Liz?"

Well, that uninspired piece of introductory fluff right there is how I opened my very first edition of THE LATEST with me as the author back in 2018 — a milestone I thought would be fun to share today considering this little email newsletter just turned two years old

It's funny, I never wanted to be a part of this.

Before THE LATEST, I was happiest hiding under my headphones, cranking up my beloved Pitbull and swearing it was something inspiring like Paganini (although, to be fair, I can also get down with some Paganini), and writing blog articles and content pillars. 

Creating content was safe. I could edit everything until it was *chef's kiss* perfect.

Email newsletters, on the other hand, which go out to tens of thousands of people that I couldn't take back or revise later? Hard pass. I would have rather managed an IRS audit for a drunk hedgehog who moonlights as a private detective, with only a shoebox filled with 896 crumpled receipts from 1972 to 2003 to work off of. 

So, two years ago, when Kathleen Booth (our then-VP of marketing) asked me if I'd like to try my hand at writing for THE LATEST, I laughed and said "no" without hesitation. 

To which she replied:

"Oh, let me rephrase that. You are going to try your hand at writing THE LATEST. You don't actually have a choice."

It took me awhile to open up and stop playing it so safe. Of course, now some might say I take the human approach to email newsletter-writing a little too far. But I stand by the memories we've shared together, both ridiculous and hyper-personal:

With THE LATEST, we sought to create something magical for all of you out there — a newsletter so valuable that you could do your jobs better, grow in your careers, and make smarter decisions faster. 

Over the past two years, however, I've learned what an unexpected gift this newsletter has also been for me, for utterly selfish reasons.

I've found a confidence and a voice here that I didn't know I possessed. And during periods where I've felt tremendous loneliness or fear in the face of life-altering experiences and decisions, your replies and personal stories were bright sparks that pushed me to take risks.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

🎉 "There are thousands of SaaS marketing tools and platforms... which are the best?" (7-minute read)

Now, if you've been keeping track, the MarTech landscape has increased to around 8,000 solutions. In other words, it may take you a little while to filter out the noise and find the best of the best tools. And to make it more complicated, some tools are incredibly niche and some are largely encompassing. So, finding the ideal tools for your business may take some fine-tuning. Thankfully, IMPACT Director of Digital Product Morgan VanDerLeest is a glutton for punishment — and he sifted through all of that crazy to bring you his hand-curated list of the 10 best SaaS marketing tools and platforms.

🎉 You asked, we answered 

🎉 "What do we need to know to maximize our use of HubSpot workflows? Can it be used for more than email nurturing?"
(14-minute read)

If you're a HubSpot user, marketing automation is synonymous with HubSpot workflows. Many HubSpot users assume workflows are primarily used for email lead nurturing and while this is absolutely true, workflows are really the "Swiss army knife" of the HubSpot tool kit — they can be used in multiple applications and have (almost) endless possibilities. Lucky for you, IMPACT HubSpot trainer Jess Palmeri is here to save the day with this ridiculously comprehensive, examples-packed guide to absolutely everything you need to know about HubSpot workflows.

🎉 You asked, we answered

🎉 "How can companies fail with They Ask, You Answer when they believe in the principles and hire the right people for their team? How does it still go wrong?" (10-minute read)

In what's become one of the most iconic movie scenes of all time, after 15 rounds in the ring with Apollo Creed and numerous broken bones — Rocky loses! It just goes to show that sometimes you can put your heart and soul into something, do everything you were supposed to and it still doesn't work out. The same holds true for companies implementing a They Ask, You Answer approach to their digital sales and marketing. They read the book or see Marcus speak, they catch the vision, they hire the right people... and then it still doesn't work for them. Why? Well, in this candid, actionable analysis from IMPACT Digital Sales and Marketing Coach Chris Marr, get the inside scoop on the four reasons why They Ask, You Answer can still fail with the best of intentions.

🎉 You asked, we answered

🎉 Go back to school with IMPACT+

Our new revamped business tools are live!

This update brings not only a fresh design, it also includes new functionality. If you go to the left hand side of your IMPACT+ dashboard, you will see Priorities and Strategic Plan which is where all the new tools live, including:

  • You can now create a planning period.
  • You can also assign team members priorities and assignments from our Playbooks.
  • We've also updated the Scorecard interface and functionality. 

Yes, you need an IMPACT+ account to access these, but you won't regret it.

🎉 Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the latest discussion that caught my eye:

🎉 In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

🎉 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

Image from iOS (17)


Later, squares!

Liz "Terrible Twos" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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