[THE LATEST] Why was IMPACT+ created, top HubSpot Sales Hub and CRM mistakes you're making, and WordPress vs. Squarespace for business websites - EMEL


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

[THE LATEST] Why was IMPACT+ created, top HubSpot Sales Hub and CRM mistakes you're making, and WordPress vs. Squarespace for business websites

Why was IMPACT+ created, top HubSpot Sales Hub and CRM mistakes you're making, and WordPress vs. Squarespace for business websites ...this is THE LATEST!

🔥 Hot off the presses

🚀 Tickets are now on sale for HubSpot Training Day on October 27! Ticket prices go up from $39 to $99 on September 15, so don't wait. Because, whether you're just getting started or have been on the platform for years, HubSpot can transform your business, if your whole team knows how to get the most from your investment. Get your ticket today! (Psst! You don't need to have HubSpot to attend! It's also an ideal fit for companies that are still considering HubSpot for their company.)

As our editorial director, I spend a lot of my time each day working with fellow IMPACTers on their content contributions. For example, last week, I helped Joe Bachir do his very first They Ask, You Answer Content Compass for his most recent article on the HubSpot Sales Hub and CRM

In other cases, however, my involvement takes the form of "encouraging" and "uplifting" coaching sessions:

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I will protect your identity, but you know who you are.😒

Of course, there are occasions where others come to me seeking guidance on how to remove "impediments" to their content creation, like this not-so-subtle, fuzzy cry for help from Kristen:


"Do you want to tell Aunt Liz, Katie?"

There's never a dull moment in my line of work. 

And now, here's THE LATEST

👉 "Why did you create IMPACT+? What's the point of it for companies like ours?" (4-minute read)

We were trying to figure out how we could take the things we teach clients and make them more scalable. How could we make content that people could consume without them actually being our clients? The result was IMPACT+, an online education platform and community. Of course, the internet is replete with learning platforms. Into this crowded marketplace we launched IMPACT+ because we believe we can offer something no one else is. In this article from IMPACT Revenue and Features Editor John Becker, learn exactly why we created IMPACT+ for our community, as well as how it's different from other learning platforms out there.

💬 You asked, we answered 

👉 "What are the most irresponsible and costly mistakes we can make with our HubSpot Sales Hub or CRM?" (7-minute read)

You thought your HubSpot Sales Hub and CRM investment would make you more efficient. Your sales team would be able to sell more and close more deals faster. And your team would have more time freed up to focus on the most important task at hand... selling. But if you're struggling to reap the benefits you were promised from the HubSpot Sales Hub and CRM, don't panic. Many companies have been in your position and, with some adjustments, were able to right the ship. In this intervention from IMPACT HubSpot Trainer Joe Bachir, get the candid, 100% honest advice you need on the 10 things you need to stop or start doing, so you can make the most of your HubSpot Sales Hub investment.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 "If we have to choose between WordPress or Squarespace for our website, which should we choose?" (10-minute read)

Although our preference is HubSpot, both WordPress and Squarespace are two popular and effective solutions for creating a website for your business that offer a lot of similar things. At their cores, WordPress and Squarespace both allow you to quickly and easily build a custom, professional looking website in minutes. Because they are so similar, it can be difficult, and even stressful, to know what platform will be the best solution for your business. In this article from IMPACT Ruby on Rails Developer Steve Polito, get the inside scoop on whether or not WordPress or Squarespace is the right fit for your company site needs.

💬 You asked, we answered

🎒 Go back to school with IMPACT+

Yes, you need an IMPACT+ account to access these, but you won't regret it:

  • Inbounder's Guide to Email Marketing | Free
    In this course, you'll learn the inbound approach to email marketing. We'll cover what email marketing is, how to keep it inboundy, the benefits of email marketing, how to grow your email contact database, and the different types of emails you can send to recipients (that they actually want to open).
  • Getting Started with LinkedIn B2B Advertising | Free
    In this course, you'll learn just how powerful LinkedIn ads can be for your B2B brand, how to make the most of your budget within the platform, and what to look for when managing these campaigns.

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's the discussion that caught my eye:

👀 In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

✍️ Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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Creative nonfiction writing prompts, fall 2020 (McSweeney's)

I laughed at this. But I also had 'Nam-level flashbacks to freshman writing classes, with some of these prompts. Especially the sixth one.😭 

Talk to y'all later! 

Liz "Second Person Isn't Real" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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