[THE LATEST] 11 business homepage videos you'll want to copy ASAP, 7 things you should never (ever!) do in a blog article, and should you choose HubSpot or WordPress for your business website - EMEL


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

[THE LATEST] 11 business homepage videos you'll want to copy ASAP, 7 things you should never (ever!) do in a blog article, and should you choose HubSpot or WordPress for your business website

11 business homepage videos you'll want to copy, 7 things you should never (ever!) do in a blog article, and should you choose HubSpot or WordPress for your business website ...this is THE LATEST!

📰 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🎟️ Prices have gone up to $199 for HubSpot Training Day on October 27, but you can get a ticket for $99 with my code LIZHASFRIENDS! It doesn't matter if you're a digital marketer, content manager, sales pro, or business leader, or if you don't use HubSpot at all... there's something for everyone at HubSpot Training Day!

Look, I understand that one of the cardinal sins of business blogging is to talk too much about yourself. It totally makes sense — being self-obsessed is an easy way to turn off a prospect.

That's why one of one my favorite quotes from Long Story Short: The Only Storytelling Guide You'll Ever Need by Margot Leitman — a book every marketer should read — is:

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On the other hand, she also says:

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So, it is within that spirit of "universal" themes that I offer the following personal story to you. 


Earlier this evening, IMPACT Director of Demand Generation Kristen Harold — a sophisticated purveyor of qualified leads and fuzzy vests — told me over dinner that one of her favorite food combinations is dipping French fries in New England Clam Chowder.

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I judged her at first. But I gave it a go, and I'll be damned if it wasn't delicious. In retrospect, I know I should have tossed aside her recommendation without a second thought. I also hate that I didn't hate it. Ugh, I am so weak.

Still, I share this with the hope that at least a few of you consider this personal story of mine — one of carbs, cream, and shame... mostly shame — also to be your story.

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

🎬 "What are the best business website homepage videos we should look at for inspiration?" (10-minute read)

Think of your website like a house and implementing a video on your homepage as a necessary exercise in adding curb appeal to your website. By adding a video to your homepage, you have the opportunity to create a visual-first impression of the services you offer, who you work best with, and overall, show off what your company does for a prospective client. In this article from IMPACT Video Trainer Lindsey Schmidt, get inspired with 11 absolutely jaw-dropping business website homepage videos, as well as her favorite tips for companies looking to add more video to their site.

🤔 You asked, we answered 

❌ "What seven things should we never, ever do in a blog article?" (14-minute read)

Here's the thing about writing blog content for your business... or anything in life really. It's typically hard to spot some mistakes on your own. Sometimes you need someone to show you where you're going wrong so you can hone in and get better. We all have blind spots. That's what this piece is all about. In this article from IMPACT Content Marketing Trainer Jolie Higazi, learn the seven irresponsible things you should never, ever do in a blog article, and what you should be doing instead.

🤔 You asked, we answered

🏆 "Should we choose HubSpot or WordPress for our company's website?" (9-minute read)

'Tis the season to be thinking about website redesigns, am I right? And if you're a business, you may not only be thinking about giving your website a facelift, you might also be thinking about moving it to a new platform. HubSpot and WordPress are the dominant website platforms for companies that are all-in on using content to drive traffic, leads, and sales. But which one is right for you? Well, in this artilce from IMPACT VP of Marketing Vin Gaeta, discover the pros and cons of HubSpot and WordPress for business websites, so you can make the right choice for your organization.

🤔 You asked, we answered

💰 Want to 2x your cash flow and 10x the value of your business?

Growth Institute Webinar

It's time to reduce the drama, get aligned, and scale your business. 

Discover the four secrets that have helped over 70,000 companies turn chaos into profit and scale up their business with ease. On Tuesday, October 13, Verne Harnish, author of Scaling Up, will be partnering with Daniel Marcos, CEO of Growth Institute, to share all the tried and true practices they have learned after years of coaching business leaders on how to grow their businesses. Even better, it's absolutely FREE

👩‍🎓 Go back to school with IMPACT+

We just launched a new course!

Managing Your Reputation and Reviews in Today's Marketplace is a course designed to help you actively manage your online reputation, while leveraging the power of online reviews to drive qualified leads into the sales process. 

You need an IMPACT+ account to access the course, but I promise you'll learn a ton!

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

⏰ In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

👀 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...


In case you're wondering, the file name for this image is simply "hahahahaha.jpg." I don't think I need to explain why.

Happy to be back, y'all!

Liz "Cream and Shame" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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