[THE LATEST] 5 website traffic metrics you need to measure, Google's Journalist Studio is a digital marketing paradise, and IMPACTBND.com is now IMPACTPlus.com - EMEL


Thursday, October 22, 2020

[THE LATEST] 5 website traffic metrics you need to measure, Google's Journalist Studio is a digital marketing paradise, and IMPACTBND.com is now IMPACTPlus.com

5 website traffic metrics you need to measure, Google's Journalist Studio is a digital marketing paradise, and IMPACTBND.com is now IMPACTPlus.com ...this is THE LATEST!

📰 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

OK, y'all. This is going to be a down-and-dirty, quicky issue, because I just wrapped a late-night video shoot with my partner in crime, IMPACT Director of Brand Video Production Alex Winter, and I am "le tired":

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That's all I can show you. I wish I could show you more, because it was easily the wildest, most fun, and creative video shoot I've ever starred in, covering a topic I'm super passionate about:

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So, if you want to see the final product of what we filmed tonight — along with a bunch of other inspiring, tactics-filled talks, fireside chats, and more — you need to show up to HubSpot Training Day on Tuesday, October 27.

Consider it your birthday gift to me, since this magical virtual event is going down the day after my birthday. Use the promo code LIZHASFRIENDS to take the ticket price down from $199 to $99. You're welcome.❤️

And now, here's (a quick version) of THE LATEST...

🤓 The latest and greatest reads

🎓 Go back to school with IMPACT+

We just launched a new course!

Managing Your Reputation and Reviews in Today's Marketplace is a course designed to help you actively manage your online reputation, while leveraging the power of online reviews to drive qualified leads into the sales process. 

⏰ In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

😎 Throwback Thursday

Let's take a trip in the wayback machine, shall we?

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This is one of my favorite guides I have ever written. It is also probably the longest piece of content I've ever created. It's free. It's completely ungated.

Oh, I also give away my secrets about how to run a content style guide workshop with your team and how to create your own content style guide, along with all of my worksheets and templates. Seriously, go read it.

🎧 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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Talk to y'all this weekend!

Liz "I'm ready for my close-up!" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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