[THE LATEST] Content calendar template (updated for 2021), how to get the most out of HubSpot Marketing Starter, and Zoom launches new event platform - EMEL


Saturday, October 24, 2020

[THE LATEST] Content calendar template (updated for 2021), how to get the most out of HubSpot Marketing Starter, and Zoom launches new event platform

Content calendar template (updated for 2021), 12-month website retainers vs. short-term website redesign project, and Zoom launches new event platform ...this is THE LATEST!

📰 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🔥 HubSpot Training Day is happening next Tuesday! Will I see you there? With a packed day of inspiring keynotes, crazy valuable tactics-filled sessions, and more, no one on your team will want to miss this virtual event. Use promo code LIZHASFRIENDS to get your ticket for only $99.

Not to toot my own horn (but also to totally toot my own horn 😈), this upcoming Monday is a holiday of international importance...  

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I'm turning 38 years old! 🎉

I've already been lucky enough to celebrate a little early with friends — they even made me a signature cocktail (which I didn't know was a thing!) called "Pinky Drinky," and it was freaking delicious.

Although, I'll admit I had a very strange moment as I stood there ready to make a wish and blow out the candles on my birthday cake. (For those who are wondering, it was a carrot cake, as it is the one true superior cake.)

You see, I didn't have a wish. 

Cue the eye rolls, but even though it's been a helluva year — in which my life-altering decisions were then capped off with an isolating global pandemic — I feel genuinely happy and lucky, and I didn't want anything else in that moment. 

I think sometimes it's very easy to get caught up in the goals we set for our teams, our companies, and ourselves. Don't get me wrong, goals are very important. Heck, I met with my health coach last night to talk about goal-setting. I'm also only able to build results-driving content strategies for IMPACT because I have clear goals in front of me.

But there's a big difference between being goal-oriented in a healthy way, and being goal-oriented in a way that makes you blind to the wins and blessings that are right in front of you.

So, keep your eyes on the prize, folks. But don't forget to pause every once in awhile to soak in everything you have to be grateful for — whether you're celebrating a content win or enjoying a silly, heart-warming moment with friends. 

💯 I've completely overhauled my content calendar template, along with a bunch of other tools (7-minute read + templates)

I think we can all agree that we need to be creating content to drive traffic, leads, and sales. But keeping track of what to write, when to write it, who will write it, when to publish and all of the little details can really be daunting. Having a useful content calendar can help you keep everything organized and moving. Well, I'm back with this resource-filled article featuring my updated content calendar template, my content brainstorming tool, and much, much more!

🔎 Related resources:

🎨 A candid cost comparison between 12-month website redesign retainers vs. short-term website redesign projects (4-minute read)

'Tis the season to redesign our business websites... so we can, ya know, make more money in the new year. But as we look ahead to what's possible in 2021 and our budgets, that new coat of website paint has the potential to carry a heft price tag if we're not careful. Still, what's the right choice for your company? The usual route of the short-term website project, or a 12-month, growth-driven approach to website redesign? In this article from IMPACT Revenue and Features Editor John Becker, get the surprising answer to which actually will cost you more — a short-term website redesign project or a 12-month, growth-driven approach to your next website redesign.

🔎 Related resources:

🎬 Zoom has launched a new event platform and the ability to integrate apps into calls (2-minute read)

The year 2020 has brought a lot of changes to the business world. Perhaps some of the most prominent are the rise of remote culture and working from home. At the forefront of this communication shift has been Zoom, with a more than 354 percent increase in customers this year. And at their recent Zoomtopia event, they unveiled two new features to the platform. In this news update from IMPACT Director of Operations Kaitlyn Petro, learn everything you need to know about Zoom's new virtual event platform (a killer update for marketers) and the new ability to integrate apps into calls.

🔎 Related resources:

❤️ Get to know my work family (new feature alert✨)

I'm so lucky. I get to wake up every morning and work with the most passionate, focused, inspiring people in our industry.

So, even though we're living in a time when it's a little harder to forge new human connections, I thought it might be fun to introduce you to a new member from my IMPACT work family each week! 

Meet Jen Barrell


When she first joined IMPACT, Jen and I bonded immediately over our love of The West Wing, writing, style guides, and mid-century modern interior design. Now we have a standing virtual happy hour every Friday night... during which we unsuccessfully talk each other out of buying stuff online.

But our clients love her for her content coaching ways:

"So I was dead set against content training at the start of my engagement with IMPACT, but I am so glad I gave it a try. Jen's content training has been game-changing for us and in helping us develop an organizational strategy around all of our content. Her advice is both innovative and really practical and, although I'm a good writer, her editing and stylistic changes have really added something to our content. Highly highly recommend." (Source)

Here are a few of my favorite articles from her:

🎓 Go back to school with IMPACT+

We just launched a new course!

Managing Your Reputation and Reviews in Today's Marketplace is a course designed to help you actively manage your online reputation, while leveraging the power of online reviews to drive qualified leads into the sales process. 

⏰ In case you missed it... 

With my birthday coming up on Monday, I'm going to be a little selfish and share a few of my favorites from my own archives:

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

🍍 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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It is a crime. Stop it.

Later, squares!

Liz "(Almost) Birthday Girl" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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