[THE LATEST] Exclusive interview with Rand Fishkin, Peloton Bike+ launch fumbles customer experience, and Google Ads announces big reporting updates - EMEL


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

[THE LATEST] Exclusive interview with Rand Fishkin, Peloton Bike+ launch fumbles customer experience, and Google Ads announces big reporting updates

Exclusive interview with Rand Fishkin, Peloton Bike+ launch fumbles customer experience, and Google Ads announces big reporting updates ...this is THE LATEST!

📰 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🎟️ Prices have gone up to $199 for HubSpot Training Day on October 27, but you can get a ticket for $99 with my code LIZHASFRIENDS! It doesn't matter if you're a digital marketer, content manager, sales pro, or business leader, or if you don't use HubSpot at all... there's something for everyone at HubSpot Training Day!

Whichever of you bet big in 2020 on companies that sell at-home office furniture and fitness equipment, know that I'm sending you a thousand socially distanced, aggressively sanitized high-fives. You possess soothsaying capabilities I do not.

Although I have not joined the thousands of pedaling masses in buying a much-coveted Peloton — which has somehow become a status symbol on par with having Doritos packed in your bag for lunch in middle school because you had the "cool mom" — I did spend most of this weekend completely redoing my home office setup...

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...and I couldn't be more pleased. I have my living room back! 

Image from iOS (6)-Oct-19-2020-02-13-38-39-AM

Oh, and I'm no longer working off a creaking, folding card table that's bowed in the middle from the weight of my monitors and other work detritus! 

The last piece of my setup arrived yesterday, after the above photos were taken:

Image from iOS (5)-Oct-21-2020-01-26-23-36-AM

Is that a bright, backlit, bubble gum pink keyboard? Why, yes it is. It's also... sigh, it's also apparently Pumpkin's new pillow. (We're having a few boundary issues with my new setup, I'll just leave it at that.)

Why am I sharing this?

Well, many of us have spent the past seven months or so waiting for *gestures at everything* to end, so I'm sure recent news about spikes in new cases and the potential return of isolating social restrictions has been a tough pill to swallow this week. For example, there's a good chance Pumpkin and I will be ridin' solo for the holidays, now that travel is looking like it won't be a safe option this year.

So, as the weather gets colder and we spend more time indoors again, give into those impulses to do something, buy something, or lean into something that just makes you happy for the sake of it. 

I know it's not always easy. I know it's hard not to feel overwhelmed. I'll be honest, I had a good ugly cry in my car tonight after the gym for about 30 minutes. 

But making time for yourself, prioritizing your needs, and finding joy in little (and big) ways really does help. It's also just as important as being strong and responsible in the face of uncertainty with coworkers, friends, and family. 

So, whether it's an absurdly bright pink keyboard that (for some reason) makes you feel stupidly happy whenever you use it, or calling up a friend you've lost touch with just to say hello, my challenge to you is to go find your own little slice of happy this week. 

You deserve it. 

💡 "What's the inside scoop on your Rand Fishkin interview on the Inbound Success podcast?" (34-minute read + podcast)

Rand Fishkin rose to marketing stardom as the Founder and CEO of Moz, where he became known as one of the foremost experts on SEO in the world. We've all wondered how we would do things differently if given the chance for a do-over. Well, wonder no more. In this episode of the Inbound Success Podcast with Kathleen Booth, learn how Rand Fishkin applied lessons learned from the past to the launch of his new startup, SparkToro.

🤔 You asked, we answered 

🚲 "Wait, what the heck happened with the Peloton Bike+ release, and why should we care?" (6-minute read)

On a warm September morning, the folks at Peloton dropped news that should have been met only with excitement and applause — they were launching a new Bike+ and Tread products. Although the Tread release went smoothly, the Bike+ release for those who had just recently purchased the regular Bike left much to be desired. In this retrospective from yours truly (with help from IMPACT COO Brie Rangel), get the full story on what happened with the Peloton Bike+ release, as well as the lessons every business owner, digital marketer, and service pro should take from it.

🤔 You asked, we answered

📊 "What do we need to know about the recent Google Ads reporting update?" (3-minute read)

Recently, Google's John Chen announced updates to Google Ads to better help marketers and advertisers understand how specific touchpoints your ideal buyers go through impact the overall success of a given Google Ads campaign. This information is provided through attribution. In this article from IMPACT VP of Marketing Vin Gaeta, find out everything you need to know about the big attribution reporting updates made to Google Ads, including some fun information about YouTube ads reporting.

🤔 You asked, we answered

👩‍🎓 Go back to school with IMPACT+

We just launched a new course!

Managing Your Reputation and Reviews in Today's Marketplace is a course designed to help you actively manage your online reputation, while leveraging the power of online reviews to drive qualified leads into the sales process. 

You need an IMPACT+ account to access the course, but I promise you'll learn a ton!

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

⏰ In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

🐦 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

Image from iOS (2)-Oct-21-2020-01-11-30-11-AM

Source: Reddit

I've always had a strange love for pigeons; they're so unfairly maligned. This story about Walter just makes me love them more. Go, Walter!

I hope y'all had a great weekend!


Liz "Pink Typing Time!" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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