[THE LATEST] How to run a blended written and video content strategy flawlessly, what makes a video go viral, and how brands can use social media appropriately during times of crisis - EMEL


Saturday, October 17, 2020

[THE LATEST] How to run a blended written and video content strategy flawlessly, what makes a video go viral, and how brands can use social media appropriately during times of crisis

How to run a blended written and video content strategy flawlessly, what makes a video go viral, and how brands can use social media appropriately during times of crisis ...this is THE LATEST!

📰 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🎟️ Prices have gone up to $199 for HubSpot Training Day on October 27, but you can get a ticket for $99 with my code LIZHASFRIENDS! It doesn't matter if you're a digital marketer, content manager, sales pro, or business leader, or if you don't use HubSpot at all... there's something for everyone at HubSpot Training Day!

Did you know that if you put your ear up to a shell you can not only hear the ocean, you can also hear the shrill, expletive-laden sobs of a woo-girling 23-year-old Liz lamenting at how horridly boring I've become in my 30s?

It's true. 

You see, this morning something tragic happened. I bought a vacuum, brought it home... and then hugged the box, because I was beside myself with glee. Then I took the photo below and sent it to a friend, along with the message:

"Oh my gosh, I'm in love! We're registered at Williams-Sonoma!"

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And I did so with absolutely no trace of irony.

I once reserved this level of pure, unbridled enthusiasm for monumental, unforgettable, life-quaking milestones like a new Britney Spears album or two-for-one margarita nights at Chili's.

Now, I throw it all away so carelessly on downright embarrassing "accomplishments" like... creating a new content strategy process, buying a freakin' vacuum (apparently), and when my beloved Designing Women finally came to Hulu. 

Sigh. Who have I become?

✍️ "How can we run a seamless, blended written and video content strategy instead of losing our minds running two different parallel strategy?" (10-minute read)

Written content and video content are two different mediums, with two very different processes, outcomes, and modes of creation. By definition, they had to be separate. They were two different mountains I had to climb... or so I thought. As it turned out, I didn't need to climb two mountains. I only needed to climb one. In fact, there was a way to run a holistic, seamless content strategy comprised of written and video outputs that would make my life so much easier. So, in this article from yours truly, I break down, step-by-step, how to run a completely seamless written and video content strategy along with full access to my suite of templates I use to get the job done.

🤔 You asked, we answered 

👏 "What makes a video go viral?" (2-minute read + video)

We've all had that morning where we wake up to multiple messages from friends sharing a video with us. Usually humorous, but sometimes moving and emotional, these videos seem to pop up out of nowhere to gain millions of views almost overnight. For marketers, the dream is getting their content seen by tons of people. Videos can get that kind of attention in a way no other medium can. Well, in this article from IMPACT video producer Megan Lang, she shares insights on what makes a video go viral, along with an inspiring TED Talk which dives deeply into how videos seemingly spread like wildfire overnight.

🤔 You asked, we answered

❤️ "Times are tough right now, so how do we still publish on social media appropriately as brands?" (5-minute read)

It's been a few months since the COVID-19 pandemic took control of the human population, affecting nearly every area of our lives. From the way we work to our purchase priorities as a consumer, so much has changed. It's only natural that our marketing has to change as well — especially since the number of social media users overall has grown by over 10% in the past year. But it's more difficult to walk the social media line as brands. Never fear, however, Growfusely founder Pratik Dholakiya is here with key insights on how brands can still use social media the right way during times of crisis, like COVID-19.

🤔 You asked, we answered

👩‍🎓 Go back to school with IMPACT+

We just launched a new course!

Managing Your Reputation and Reviews in Today's Marketplace is a course designed to help you actively manage your online reputation, while leveraging the power of online reviews to drive qualified leads into the sales process. 

You need an IMPACT+ account to access the course, but I promise you'll learn a ton!

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

⏰ In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

📸 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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Seriously, when is Danny Trejo going to drop his skincare routine?

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Liz "Mrs. Bissell" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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