[THE LATEST] How to use Vidyard to improve written content quality, 4 most common misconceptions about They Ask, You Answer, and Facebook Ads says 'bye, bye, bye' to 28-day attribution model - EMEL


Thursday, October 15, 2020

[THE LATEST] How to use Vidyard to improve written content quality, 4 most common misconceptions about They Ask, You Answer, and Facebook Ads says 'bye, bye, bye' to 28-day attribution model

How to use Vidyard to improve written content quality, 4 most common misconceptions about They Ask, You Answer, and Facebook Ads says 'bye, bye, bye' to 28-day attribution model ...this is THE LATEST!

📰 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🎟️ Prices have gone up to $199 for HubSpot Training Day on October 27, but you can get a ticket for $99 with my code LIZHASFRIENDS! It doesn't matter if you're a digital marketer, content manager, sales pro, or business leader, or if you don't use HubSpot at all... there's something for everyone at HubSpot Training Day!

"Hey, Liz! What are you up to tonight, girl?"

Oh, you know...

Image from iOS-Oct-15-2020-11-00-54-96-PM

...same ol', same ol'.

Just kidding. I'm here hanging at the office late tonight to help out on a special project with Alex, Zach (pictured above), and Bob. Of course, this isn't a project I'm allowed to tell you about just yet.

So, we're going to get creative. 


What kind of spooky 👻 nonsense is Zach getting up to in that photo?

Whomever responds with the best caption will get a free copy of They Ask, You Answer (2nd edition), a set of my absolute favorite pens in the whole world, and a random surprise from yours truly. 

(By the way, there is no filter on that photo. It's simply IMPACT... after dark.)

To enter, all you have to do is reply directly to this email with your entry. Enter as many times as you'd like before 11:59 p.m. eastern on Thursday, October 22, 2020. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work... on things.😎

🎬 "How can we get better quality content created in the first draft with fewer revisions?" (6-minute read)

One of the biggest challenges content managers and digital marketing managers who oversee a content strategy is getting content creators (freelancers or in-house subject matter experts) to deliver the quality written content you want that is in-line with your initial vision. Well, in this article from yours truly, get the behind-the-scenes scoop on my two favorite ways to use Vidyard to get better quality content — and no, it doesn't include making public-facing videos for your audience.

🤔 You asked, we answered 

❌ "What are the most common — and costly — misconceptions about They Ask, You Answer, that will stand in the way of our success?" (14-minute read)

They Ask, You Answer is simple, but it's not easy. In fact, They Ask You Answer is deceptive and disastrous in its simplicity. And the different responses to what it means to "do They Ask, You Answer" is the clearest way to see the difference between our case studies and everyone else that tried, failed, and went back to the drawing board. In this article from dapper gent about town and IMPACT Digital Sales and Marketing Coach Will Schultz will walk you through the four most costly and common misconceptions about They Ask, You Answer, so you can implement it the right way and see the best results

🤔 You asked, we answered

💸 "We do Facebook Ads, what do we need to know about Facebook removing its 28-day attribution model?" (2-minute read)

Facebook has announced that it is phasing out the 28-day attribution window for Facebook ads and defaulting to a seven-day click. This is in support of digital privacy initiatives affecting multiple browsers, which limits the ability of businesses to measure people's interactions across domains and devices. While this news may sound straightforward on its face, there are a few things paid advertisers need to keep in mind. In this article from IMPACT UX Designer Joel Waggener, learn everything you need to know about Facebook Ads doing away with their 28-day attribution model.  

🤔 You asked, we answered

👩‍🎓 Go back to school with IMPACT+

We just launched a new course!

Managing Your Reputation and Reviews in Today's Marketplace is a course designed to help you actively manage your online reputation, while leveraging the power of online reviews to drive qualified leads into the sales process. 

You need an IMPACT+ account to access the course, but I promise you'll learn a ton!

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

⏰ In case you missed it... 

A few of my hand-selected, personal favorites from the IMPACT archives... 

🍜 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

Image from iOS (1)-Oct-15-2020-11-31-55-18-PM

This is not the quality content I am looking for. 

Talk to you this weekend!

Liz "What is happening?!" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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