[THE LATEST] How to write a video script, 7 examples of killer self-selection website tools you'll want to copy, and what is the benefit of having a coach for something you can do yourself (like marketing) - EMEL


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

[THE LATEST] How to write a video script, 7 examples of killer self-selection website tools you'll want to copy, and what is the benefit of having a coach for something you can do yourself (like marketing)

How to write a video script, 7 examples of killer self-selection website tools you'll want to copy, and what is the benefit of having a coach for something you can do yourself (like marketing) ...this is THE LATEST!

📰 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

Tonight, I'm coming to you live... from my living room... in pajamas and a sweatshirt covered in St. Bernard puppies... eating dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets and drinking a robust Cabernet Franc... fresh off yet another full-day virtual event put on by our crazy dedicated IMPACT events team.

This time, it was HubSpot Training Day.

I'll be honest, this time a year ago, I hated being on video. Flash forward to today... well, let's just say I still find it a "humbling" experience to have to pick thumbnails of my face from my own videos. 

But now I have fun. Like... a lot of fun. I also really get a kick out of finding new ways to make socially-distanced talks engaging as a virtual event speaker. For example, here's the intro from the talk I gave today on content ROI reporting:


I'm like Nicholas Cage. I'm going to steal the Declaration of Independence... and by that, I mean I'm going to teach you how to show your content makes money.

If you didn't attend, well, "I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart."

I'm just kidding! 

However, if you missed out on the fun and you want to get caught up, I've got you covered. Recordings of all the sessions (including mine and scores of others) from today's event — along with every other virtual event we've put on this year — are available with an IMPACT+ Pro membership

And now, I nap. I mean, here's THE LATEST... 

✍️ My time-tested method for writing video scripts for educational marketing and sales videos (2-minute read + podcast)

From hands-on experience, I know of the most challenging parts of running a digital video marketing strategy is guaranteeing that every single week we have scripts ready for these videos for filming. Yes, while many videos work best when you're filming off-the-cuff with no script, often videos will require a script because of how much detail needs to go into it. So, in this episode of the Content Lab — finally back from hiatus — I pull back the curtain on my surprisingly easy process for creating video scripts, and integrating the creation of video for sales and marketing into an existing content strategy.

🔎 Related resources:

🤔 Self-selection website tools are qualified lead magnets, and here are 7 examples you'll want to copy ASAP (7-minute read)

A self-selection tool is exactly what it sounds like — a tool on a website that allows users to answer questions and configure their own experience and self-identify what product, level, plan, or type of service they'll consume from that brand. With a self-selection tool, you'll have prospects that are infinitely more informed about your requirements and process guaranteeing you a better chance at closing a qualified deal. In this article from IMPACT front-end developer Daniel Escardo, you'll get a chance to soak in some of the absolute best self-selection tools we've come across on business websites.

🔎 Related resources:

🏆 Why on earth do you need a coach for something like digital marketing, which is something you're capable of doing on your own, in-house? (7-minute read)

As a business leader, you're good at getting stuff done. Even if that means rolling up your sleeves and doing it yourself. You like getting your hands dirty and taking ownership of initiatives that will help you get the results you're looking for. But the word "coach" has a weird connotation and doesn't exactly have a clear definition in the business world. Which is why one of the most common questions we get from business leaders is why the heck they need a digital sales and marketing coach for the oversight and execution of a strategy they can manage themselves. Thankfully, my guy IMPACT Digital Sales and Marketing Coach Eric Dunn is here with this stunningly candid, utterly thorough walk through of the value of a digital sales and marketing coach, even if you think you don't need one.

🔎 Related resources:

❤️ Get to know my work family (new feature alert✨)

I'm so lucky. I get to wake up every morning and work with the most passionate, focused, inspiring people in our industry.

So, even though we're living in a time when it's a little harder to forge new human connections, I thought it might be fun to introduce you to a new member from my IMPACT work family each week! 

Meet Jen Barrell


When she first joined IMPACT, Jen and I bonded immediately over our love of The West Wing, writing, style guides, and mid-century modern interior design. Now we have a standing virtual happy hour every Friday night... during which we unsuccessfully talk each other out of buying stuff online.

But our clients love her for her content coaching ways:

"So I was dead set against content training at the start of my engagement with IMPACT, but I am so glad I gave it a try. Jen's content training has been game-changing for us and in helping us develop an organizational strategy around all of our content. Her advice is both innovative and really practical and, although I'm a good writer, her editing and stylistic changes have really added something to our content. Highly highly recommend." (Source)

Here are a few of my favorite articles from her:

📺 Tune into IMPACT on YouTube

That's right, folks. We're on YouTube, and it's a wild educational romp that you'll definitely want to subscribe to. I mean, just check this out... 


Check it out

⏰ In case you missed it... 

Here are a few of my favorites from the archives:

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

🎻 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

Image from iOS (4)-Oct-27-2020-11-07-36-86-PM

Not wrong.

Toodles, noodles!

Liz "Mmm, Chicken Nuggets" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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