[THE LATEST] 11 surefire signs you need a new website in 2021, the future of virtual event tech (exclusive interview), and why (once more with feeling) you need a content manager - EMEL


Thursday, November 5, 2020

[THE LATEST] 11 surefire signs you need a new website in 2021, the future of virtual event tech (exclusive interview), and why (once more with feeling) you need a content manager

11 surefire signs you need a new website in 2021, the future of virtual event tech (exclusive interview), and why (once more with feeling) you need a content manager ...this is THE LATEST!

🗞️ Extra, extra! Read all about it! 

🔥 Video Sales and Marketing World tickets are 50% off (only $49) through the end of tomorrow, November 6. Get 'em at that price while you can!

I have this really bad habit of swearing up and down that I'll never do something or love something or change my mind about something... only to look like a big ding dong when I inevitably end up doing that thing, loving that thing, or changing my mind about that thing.

For example, when I finally put aside my long-standing blood feud with olives at the age of 35 years old. (What? They're very aggressively flavored; it took a little time to come around.)

I was reminded of this "quirk" of mine a few hours ago when I excitedly combed through the just-released agenda for our upcoming Video Sales and Marketing World event and read through the description for my talk:

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I remember when I was first given the gift of helming IMPACT's video strategy, part of me wanted to ask if I had done something wrong. Actually, I think did ask that, but people just laughed because they thought I was joking.

I definitely was not joking. For years, the thought of having to go on camera and say words in a coherent order made me want to dry heave into a paper bag. 

If someone tried to get me on video at IMPACT, I'd mutter some half-baked excuse like, "Oh, you know, I need to help Pumpkin prepare her taxes, sorry," and scoot out the door before anyone could ask any questions.

Now, here I am. I'm prepping to teach others how to not want to sink into the floor and die whenever they step in front of a camera. I'm also regularly publishing new videos on our YouTube channel and in our content:


Do I still consider having to choose the thumbnails for my "expressive" face to be a humbling exercise? Oh, of course. 

But the results are worth it. When one of our sales all-stars says, "Yes! This video is going to be so helpful in helping me close deals," it's worth it. When someone from our audience says, "Oh my gosh, thank you for making this — you just made my life so much easier," it's worth it.

And when you decide to just get over yourself, get on camera, be yourself, and have some fun while educating the heck out of people, it's so worth it.

🎨 If you say 'OMG that's us!' to any of these 11 signs, you need a website redesign in 2021 (11-minute read)

When built properly, your website has the ability to be your highest performing and hardest working salesperson. Not to mention many of your prospect's first impressions of your company will be based on what they see on your website. But as you look ahead to the new year, you might still be on the fence about including a website redesign in your 2021 budget. Well, you're in luck. IMPACT UX Designer Joe Rinaldi has compiled this comprehensive list of the 11 surefire signs you absolutely must redesign your website next year.

🔎 Related resources:

🔮 What does the future of virtual event technology hold for digital marketers and brands? (15-minute read + exclusive video interview)

Back in April, our entire marketing team felt like we took a collective punch in the gut when we had to pull the plug on our in-person flagship event, Digital Sales and Marketing World. Since then, however, we've put on three super successful virtual events, and have seen the promise of this new way of bringing people together to learn. But what about the technology companies like IMPACT (and maybe even you!) rely upon to run those events? If you're curious about what the future of virtual event technology holds, do not miss the exclusive video interview with IMPACT Director of Community and Events Stephanie Baiocchi and Accelevents CEO Jonathan Kazarian

🔎 Related resources:

🎨 If you're on the fence about hiring a content manager, this candid intervention is for you (9-minute read + new video)

One of the most critical hires you can make for your company's digital marketing team is a content manager. Or so we say. But what the heck is a content manager? Why are they so freaking indispensable? Why does it have to be a full-time job for someone? Can't you just decentralize those responsibilities to others on your team? Well, strap in, kiddos! In this article and brand new video from yours truly, you're going to learn exactly why a content manager is absolutely essential to your success

🔎 Related resources:

🏋️ Strengthen your content muscles on November 10

Check out the full agenda and register using code CONTENTFITNESS to get your ticket for just $250! (The regular price is $599, so woohoo!) Not sure if the bootcamp is right for you? Check out this article: Content Creation Bootcamp: Who should really be attending?

❤️ Get to know my work family (new feature alert✨)

I'm so lucky. I get to wake up every morning and work with the most passionate, focused, inspiring people in our industry.

So, even though we're living in a time when it's a little harder to forge new human connections, I thought it might be fun to introduce you to a new member from my IMPACT work family each week! 

Meet John Becker


John is probably one of my favorite humans, which makes me very spoiled, because he's on my editorial team here at IMPACT. On top of that, he's my co-host on our podcast, Content Lab. Always calm, cool, and collected, he's one of two people whom I trust to help me edit my own work.

Here is what others have to say about John, our revenue and features editor:

"I want to give a big THANK YOU to John Becker for making the content process fun and encouraging. We've had the opportunity to work together on three IMPACT articles the past month, and it has been a wonderful experience for me. I truly appreciate your kindness, responsiveness and overall positive attitude. Thank you for bringing humor, helpfulness and honest critique to each assignment :)." (Dia Vavruska)

Without further ado, here are a few pieces from John. I cannot speak to their true quality, as I do not know how to read:

⚠️ Free virtual event for businesses looking ahead to 2021

IMPACT is proud to be sponsoring the Better Business Summit hosted by BBB Serving Connecticut, November 17-19!

This is a free virtual event created to help business owners not just survive 2021 but THRIVE. Join IMPACT's own Marcus Sheridan, Zach Basner, and Carina Duffy. They're ready to help you to set up your business for success as we close out 2020 and head full-steam ahead into 2021.

Join us by registering for free at betterbusinesssummit.com.

👀 In case you missed it... 

Here are a few of my favorites from the archives:

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

🎂 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...


Sometimes... kids are a little too honest.

Later, squares!

Liz "I'm ready for my close-up" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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