[THE LATEST] 2021 social media marketing predictions, how to create and scale a full-funnel content strategy, and 6 reasons your blog content isn't generating leads - EMEL


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

[THE LATEST] 2021 social media marketing predictions, how to create and scale a full-funnel content strategy, and 6 reasons your blog content isn't generating leads

2021 social media marketing predictions, how to create and scale a full-funnel content strategy, and 6 reasons your blog content isn't generating leads ...this is THE LATEST!

🗞️ Extra, extra! Read all about it! 

💋 Right now you can get Video Sales & Marketing World tickets for $49 (it goes up to $99 on Thursday), but I demanded to be special. (Just ask Connor. I was very fussy.) So, if you use the code LIZHASFRIENDS, you'll get your ticket for $48.97. That is a savings of three WHOLE cents, and it's the lowest price you'll be able to get #VSMW2020 tickets ever. In THIS economy, what a bargain, am I right? Yeah. You're WELCOME.

Everyone's got an opinion.

I had one about social media in 2021, your leads may (sometimes) have negative opinions about your business blog content, and my cat, Pumpkin had an opinion about an hour ago regarding my refusal to let her steal popcorn directly out of my mouth:

Image from iOS-Nov-11-2020-12-58-34-97-AM

And after I nudged her off the couch and told her "no," she hopped onto the coffee table, looked at me, and slapped a candle onto the floor while maintaining eye contact. Now, she's napping and everything smells like balsam and cedar. 

I bet this is exactly what Mary Tyler Moore had in mind when she empowered modern women everywhere to follow their dreams. 

Is this what "having it all" feels like?

Sigh. And now, here's THE LATEST.

🔥 New data and insights on 2021 social media marketing predictions from HubSpot, Talkwalker, and IMPACT (4-minute read)

So, whether we're talking about last year, this year, or the next, we must do what we've always done — see what data is telling us, build a strategy, and plan to adjust as time goes on. But how do we apply that logic to our social media strategies? What data do we have at our fingertips now? What changes should we expect in the new year? In this article from IMPACT VP of Services Katie Pritchard, get the inside scoop on social media marketing predictions for 2021 from HubSpot and Talkwalker, as well as insights from IMPACT experts.

🔎 Related resources:

✍️ How to launch and establish a traffic-driving, revenue-generating, full-funnel content strategy (10-minute read)

When you're at the center of driving your company's content strategy, you might find yourself beating your head against your desk, praying for sweet release, as you try to reconcile seemingly contradictory marching orders — "Give sales everything they need, but also drive a ton of traffic." If this sounds at all familiar, don't worry, I've got you covered. In this article from moi, you're going to learn how to run a content strategy that pulls on both sales and traffic-driving needs, as well as the volume and scaling details you need to know if you're just getting started.  

🔎 Related resources:

📉 These are the 6 most common reasons why your blog content isn't generating the leads you want (7-minute read)

Content is an investment. Not only does it take time for you to write it, it takes time for you to research the topic, interview subject matter experts, find examples to reference, format it in your CMS, and so on. After spending hours on a single piece of content, you hit publish and feel accomplished. You did it! But then... no leads show up on your doorstep. Why? Thankfully, IMPACT Director of Inbound and Content Services Justine Thomas is here to save the day with this rundown of the most common reasons why business blogs don't generate leads (and how to right the ship)

🔎 Related resources:

❤️ Get to know my work family (new feature alert✨)

I'm so lucky. I get to wake up every morning and work with the most passionate, focused, inspiring people in our industry.

So, even though we're living in a time when it's a little harder to forge new human connections, I thought it might be fun to introduce you to a new member from my IMPACT work family each week! 

Meet Melanie Collins


I've had the pleasure of working with IMPACT VP of Revenue Melanie Collins for a few years now, and we had an absolute blast rolling up our sleeves together as we (and others) helped build IMPACT's first revenue team this summer.

In addition to being a rockstar sales leader, what makes Melanie so wonderful to work with is her heart and how much she genuinely cares about people on her team. I've experienced this first-hand myself, but this story from fellow IMPACTer Genna Lepore sums it up:

"This week has been a doozy. Starting last Friday, my son was very sick and then I got pneumonia. Even though as a manager, it's her job to support me, Melanie has gone above and beyond and taken deals I was working on and knocked the work out of the park.I am so grateful for the support in what's been one crazy week. You go, Mel! #dreamteam" 

Here are a few of Melanie's greatest hits:

⚠️ Free virtual event for businesses looking ahead to 2021

IMPACT is proud to be sponsoring the Better Business Summit hosted by BBB Serving Connecticut, November 17-19!

This is a free virtual event created to help business owners not just survive 2021 but THRIVE. Join IMPACT's own Marcus Sheridan, Zach Basner, and Carina Duffy. They're ready to help you to set up your business for success as we close out 2020 and head full-steam ahead into 2021.

Join us by registering for free at betterbusinesssummit.com.

👀 In case you missed it... 

Here are a few of my favorites from the archives:

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

🖼️ Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 7.55.54 PM

What? It was a great angle, shutup.

Toodles, noodles! 

Liz "Yankee Candle Huffer" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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