[THE LATEST] Do you need a full website redesign or a facelift, social media image sizes guide updated for 2021, and how to survive your first 90 days as a content manager - EMEL


Thursday, November 12, 2020

[THE LATEST] Do you need a full website redesign or a facelift, social media image sizes guide updated for 2021, and how to survive your first 90 days as a content manager

Do you need a full website redesign or a facelift, social media image sizes guide updated for 2021, and how to survive your first 90 days as a content manager ...this is THE LATEST!

🗞️ Extra, extra! Read all about it! 

💋 Right now you can get Video Sales & Marketing World tickets are now $99! But I demanded to be special. So, if you use the code LIZHASFRIENDS, you'll get your ticket for $48.97. It's the lowest price you'll be able to get #VSMW2020 tickets ever.

Sometimes, you just need to take the wins where you can get them, you know what I mean?

Your shared Twitter feed photo is the right size and doesn't get cropped awkwardly when you post it — that's a win! When you realize you don't need to spend $20,000+ on a website redesign in 2021, because you only need a facelift — that's a win! 

And when you're aggressively pulling kettle chips out of a bag and consuming them with a level of "gusto" typically reserved for fighting over a panettone after Christmas Eve dinner, and your Apple watch logs it as progress against your "stand goal" for the day... 

Image from iOS (1)-Nov-13-2020-02-31-51-64-AM

...that's a win!

That's a win, right?

Whatever, here's THE LATEST.

🤔 Do you need a website redesign in 2021 or a website facelift? The answer could save you thousands... (5-minute read + video)

You know your company website isn't performing and needs... something. But is that "something" a full website redesign project, or are you really in need of a simple facelift?To understand the difference between the two, think of a home renovation project. Turns out, a website update is a lot like redoing your kitchen. And in this article from IMPACT VP of Revenue Melanie Collins, you'll learn exactly how to assess what exactly your business website needs in the new year, and how much you should invest.

🔎 Related resources:

🖼️ Social media image sizes guide for 2020, 2021, and beyond... with plenty of examples! (14-minute read)

On social media, images are what grab eyes. They're what make people pay attention to your posts over others. It doesn't matter what your caption or tweet says; if your image misses the mark, most people will just scroll past you. But the solution is simple, my friends. In this magnificent guide to social media images sizes, IMPACT Managing Editor Ramona Sukhraj serves up all of the social media image standards you need to know.

🔎 Related resources:

🎓 3 essential lessons for a new content manager, a must-read for everyone (10-minute read)

Being the content manager of any company means sitting at the center of your organization's content strategy. And when you're just getting started in that role at your company, often you're dealing with a few challenges. First, you're the only person who is in your role or specializes in what you do. Second, often you're the first person to do that role at your company, which means you're starting a new job and establishing everything about your role from scratch. In this article from IMPACT Revenue and Features Editor John Becker, get the inside scoop on how to make the most out of the first 90 days as a content manger. (Although I'd recommend all business leaders and marketer read this.)

🔎 Related resources:

❤️ Get to know my work family (new feature alert✨)

I'm so lucky. I get to wake up every morning and work with the most passionate, focused, inspiring people in our industry.

So, even though we're living in a time when it's a little harder to forge new human connections, I thought it might be fun to introduce you to a new member from my IMPACT work family each week! 

Meet Melanie Collins


I've had the pleasure of working with IMPACT VP of Revenue Melanie Collins for a few years now, and we had an absolute blast rolling up our sleeves together as we (and others) helped build IMPACT's first revenue team this summer.

In addition to being a rockstar sales leader, what makes Melanie so wonderful to work with is her heart and how much she genuinely cares about people on her team. I've experienced this first-hand myself, but this story from fellow IMPACTer Genna Lepore sums it up:

"This week has been a doozy. Starting last Friday, my son was very sick and then I got pneumonia. Even though as a manager, it's her job to support me, Melanie has gone above and beyond and taken deals I was working on and knocked the work out of the park.I am so grateful for the support in what's been one crazy week. You go, Mel! #dreamteam" 

Here are a few of Melanie's greatest hits:

⚠️ Free virtual event for businesses looking ahead to 2021

IMPACT is proud to be sponsoring the Better Business Summit hosted by BBB Serving Connecticut, November 17-19!

This is a free virtual event created to help business owners not just survive 2021 but THRIVE. Join IMPACT's own Marcus Sheridan, Zach Basner, and Carina Duffy. They're ready to help you to set up your business for success as we close out 2020 and head full-steam ahead into 2021.

Join us by registering for free at betterbusinesssummit.com.

👀 In case you missed it... 

Here are a few of my favorites from the archives:

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye:

🐿️ Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

Screen Shot 2020-11-12 at 9.21.55 PM

This squirrel isn't angry. He's just disappointed.

Later, squares!

Liz "It's Arm Day" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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