[THE LATEST] Google teases featured snippets with multiple links, what a business website really costs in 2021, and yes, virtual selling can work in any industry - EMEL


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

[THE LATEST] Google teases featured snippets with multiple links, what a business website really costs in 2021, and yes, virtual selling can work in any industry

Google teases featured snippets with multiple links, what a business website really costs in 2021, and yes, virtual selling can work in any industry ...this is THE LATEST!

🗞️ Extra, extra! Read all about it!

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There are few things in life one might consider truly essential. For example, if you run a business, you need to invest in a swoonworthy business website without cutting corners. 

Or, if you're like me and you're within 24 hours of your first blizzard as an official New Englander, you need to invest in a consumer good that out ranks cleanliness in its proximity to Godliness:

Image from iOS (1)-Dec-16-2020-01-39-52-09-AM

If I'm being perfectly honest, this is one of four bottles I purchased of this divine hot sauce tonight at my local Target... in addition to an ice scraper for my car. Could one say that my approach to hot sauce is a little "aggressive" given that it is highly unlikely I will be snowed in for nine months?


But that sounds like quitter talk, and I'm no quitter. I'm a big-picture thinker, you see. More than that, I'm not afraid of commitment. I'm not afraid of investing in my future, planning for life's unknowns and its endless possibilities. 

In unrelated news, next week, I will be hosting a socially-distanced taco soirée, and all guests will receive a mandatory to-go shot glass (or three) of hot sauce as a party favor.

And now, here's THE LATEST.

👉 Google is testing out featured snippets with multiple links, and we're not thrilled about it (2-minute read)

At this point, it should come as no surprise to anyone when the contents of a search engine results page (SERP) changes from one search to the next. Recently, Australia-based SEO consultant Brodie Clark noticed Google added multiple links within a single featured snippet. You read that right. Multiple links. One snippet. Is this a bad thing? Very much so. But before you start panicking, take a quick read of this rundown of Google's testing of this multi-link featured snippet in SERPs from IMPACT Account Executive Nick Bennett.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 How much does a peak-performing, lead-generating business website cost in 2021? (9-minute read)

Your website is the most important sales and marketing tool you have. It's the hub of your inbound marketing strategy and it's the number one thing your prospects want to explore before making a purchase, or even talking to a human. Now that most businesses understand the value of inbound marketing, business websites overall are getting better. But how much should you be spending on your website as you plan for the new year? IMPACT Director of Web Services Vin Gaeta weighs in with this comprehensive, detailed look at how much business websites cost (really) going into 2021, as well as what factors drive that cost up and down.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 Yes, any business sales team (regardless of industry) can embrace virtual selling, and here's why (4-minute read)

Marcus Sheridan wants to clear something up: It's not virtual sales or face-to-face sales. Virtual selling is face-to-face selling. Sure, your sales team would benefit from training on best practices and technology, but they need not be wary of jumping into selling online — no matter your industry, service or product, or sales process. And in this interview with Marcus from IMPACT Revenue and Features Editor John Becker, get the inside scoop on why, even with promising COVID-19 vaccines on the horizon, virtual selling is here to stay... for every industry

📚 Related reads and resources:

🎬 What's new on the Digital Sales & Marketing Channel

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⚠️ In case you missed it...

Here are a few of my favorite recent reads you may have missed:

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye for those who work in non-profits:

👽 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...


Toodles, noodles!🍝

Liz "Cholulua Is a Love Language" Moorehead

Editorial Director


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