[THE LATEST] Google December core algorithm update winners and losers, 8 must-try digital marketing tactics for 2021, and 11 ways to make your website more accessible with inclusive design - EMEL


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

[THE LATEST] Google December core algorithm update winners and losers, 8 must-try digital marketing tactics for 2021, and 11 ways to make your website more accessible with inclusive design

Google December core algorithm update winners and losers, 8 must-try digital marketing tactics for 2021, and 11 ways to make your website more accessible with inclusive design ...this is THE LATEST!

🗞️  Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🎁 I'm feeling generous — NOW you can get 50% off your IMPACT+ Pro membership through January 30! Need a reason to lockdown our January promotion of IMPACT+ Pro? Starting now, Pro members will get access to IMPACT's interactive virtual events for the year FOR FREEYou'll also get exclusive discounts for Digital Sales and Marketing World and our deep-dive bootcamps. $49/month or $490/year — a savings of $2,000.

Earlier today, I made a purchase at Target for purely superficial reasons.... 

Image from iOS (11)-3

Like the sometimes (see: "always") shallow girl that I am, I was 100% reeled in by PrettyLitter due to the "Pretty" in the product title. (Although the health monitoring features, odor seal guarantee, and promised longevity did, of course, help seal the deal for this savvy shopper.)

This evening, further intrigued by the product after reading a few other reviews, I decided to fire up their business website.

And I found myself immediately disappointed:

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How on earth do you have a kitty-centric website with a call-to-action to "Get Started Now" that doesn't say "Get Started Meow"?!

What a baffling digital marketing misstep. 

Like Dumbledore, Michael Scott, Captain Luc Picard, Britney Spears, Florence Nightingale, Alexander Hamilton, Jake from State Farm, Rex Grossman, Richard Pryor, Cher, Abraham Lincoln, Adele, Michael Corleone, or Bilbo Baggins once said (the internet isn't fully aligned on this):

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 Now that the dust has settled, here are the winners and losers from the Google December core algorithm update (5-minute read)

If you were anything like us, you were mentally cheering when you reached December of last year. You. Made. It. Downtime was coming in just a short few weeks so you could breathe, recharge, and lock in your 2021 goals. But we're not allowed to have nice things, right? So, Google decided to be a Grinch and throw one final curveball at the end of 2020, when it rolled out a core algorithm update on December 3. Of course, it takes awhile when these massive updates occur to understand the implications. Thankfully, IMPACT Director of Training Justine Thomas is here with a full rundown (complete with exclusive expert insights) on the winners and losers of the latest Google core algorithm update.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 8 must-try digital marketing tips and tactics to use in your 2021 strategy (10-minute read)

Kristen Harold (our director of demand generation) tees this piece up perfectly, "As we're getting into the rhythm of 2021, I'm challenging myself and my team to not let uncertainty in the world hold us back. I want to use this time to optimize, try new things, and stay ahead of the game, not just keep our heads above water. With that in mind, I started diving into some of the biggest trends for this year and have come up with a list of must-try tips that are both easy to implement and can yield BIG results!" Are you excited? Awesome, go check out Kristen's in-depth, research-backed article showcasing eight must-try digital marketing tips for this brand new year.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 11 inclusive design strategies to make your website instantly way more accessible to your ideal buyers (13-minute read)

For many of us, the web has become an ever-present facet in our everyday lives, however, what many people don't realize is that not everyone's experience using this ever-present resource is an equal one. If you're one of the one billion people in the world who experiences some form of disability, then connectivity and ease of use on the web are not always guaranteed. It's with that in mind that IMPACT UX Designer Joe Rinaldi has put together this thought-provoking, actionable list of 11 powerful inclusive design tips to make your website more accessible to everyone.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👀 What's the hot IMPACT+ gossip?

IMPACT+ not only has the on-demand training you need to be successful, it also has a supportive community ready to help you achieve your goals. And here's what we're talking about right now:

⭐ Become a video selling all-star

Are you ready to truly stand out to your prospects, while making their buying journey seamless? Then you've got to infuse the right video content into your entire sales process. At the Video Selling Bootcamp on February 3, you'll learn tips and tricks for creating the right content, how to leverage it at every phase, and close deals in record time with video. 

Get your tickets today for just $139 (normally $399) using the promo code "NOMS" in honor of Ham and Nugget's never-ending pursuit of noms. This is the LOWEST price you can get for these super-interactive, hands-on learning events.

🤐 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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This is me. All the time. All. The. Time.

Liz "I know Wayne Gretzky said that quote" Moorehead

Editor in Chief


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