[THE LATEST] How one workflow generated $85,000+ in revenue, 5 killer business blogging tactics to try this year, and why all of your previous inbound marketing agencies have broken your heart - EMEL


Thursday, January 28, 2021

[THE LATEST] How one workflow generated $85,000+ in revenue, 5 killer business blogging tactics to try this year, and why all of your previous inbound marketing agencies have broken your heart

How one workflow generated $85,000+ in revenue, 5 killer business blogging tactics to try this year, and why all of your previous inbound marketing agencies have broken your heart ...this is THE LATEST!

🗞️  Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🎁 I'm feeling generous — NOW you can get 50% off your IMPACT+ Pro membership through January 30! Need a reason to lockdown our January promotion of IMPACT+ Pro? Starting now, Pro members will get access to IMPACT's interactive virtual events for the year FOR FREEYou'll also get exclusive discounts for Digital Sales and Marketing World and our deep-dive bootcamps. $49/month or $490/year — a savings of $2,000.

Whew, I am exhausted, but for the best reason possible. Alex and I had a fantastic, full-day of filming at the office today. Unfortunately, I wish I could tell you anything other than:

  1. You need to stay tuned for some big, exciting announcements coming up very, very soon. 
  2. Seriously, you're going to love it. Ugh, I hate keeping secrets! 

So, for now, here's all I can show you:

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Feel free to submit a caption for this photo by replying to this very email. I may share my favorites in the next issue!

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 5 business blogging tactics to try this year (8-minute read)

Ahhh, January... it's that special time of year where every content marketer spends the first few weeks of the new year furiously trying to figure out an advantage over their competitors. Are you in the same boat? Well, buckle in, kiddos. We've got you covered. Well, I don't... but our principal content marketing trainer and IMPACT+ professor Kevin Phillips does. In this article from Kevin, learn the five battle-tested, results-generating business blogging tactics you absolutely must implement in your 2021 content strategy.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 How one lead nurturing workflow generated more than $85,000 in revenue (5-minute read)

Jumping in to a new career as a content manager is never an easy task, but add on marketing automation responsibilities? Now that's a challenge — but that's what Katie Bowles was asked to do. Katie joined the marketing team at IMPACT client Mazzella Companies as a content specialist in September 2019. It was her first job as a digital marketer, and she had a big task at hand. And in this real-world case study from IMPACT HubSpot Trainer Jess Palmeri, discover how Katie transformed her inherited HubSpot contact database into $85,000+ in revenue from a single workflow.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 Why have all of your previous inbound marketing agencies broken your heart and their promises? (6-minute read)

So here you are, coming out of a failed inbound marketing agency relationship. It may have started off strong, maybe you had some really solid wins and produced a lot of great work. You may have even improved some numbers. But, for whatever reason, results tapered off, expectations weren't met, or the growth you were expecting just didn't occur.  You've found yourself wanting versus jumping for joy. Why did this happen? In this brutally honest thought leadership piece from IMPACT Director of Inbound Training and Video Strategy Zach Basner, finally learn why those seemingly amazing inbound marketing agencies from the past really didn't work out.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👀 What's the hot IMPACT+ gossip?

IMPACT+ not only has the on-demand training you need to be successful, it also has a supportive community ready to help you achieve your goals. And here's what we're talking about right now:

⭐ Become a video selling all-star

Are you ready to truly stand out to your prospects, while making their buying journey seamless? Then you've got to infuse the right video content into your entire sales process. At the Video Selling Bootcamp on February 3, you'll learn tips and tricks for creating the right content, how to leverage it at every phase, and close deals in record time with video. 

Get your tickets today for just $139 (normally $399) using the promo code "NOMS" in honor of Ham and Nugget's never-ending pursuit of noms. This is the LOWEST price you can get for these super-interactive, hands-on learning events.

👏 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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Earlier this week, Reddit went down. And their social media manager crushed the announcement with this hilariously accurate and perfect tweet. 

Liz "I'm ready for my close-up!" Moorehead

Editor in Chief


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