[THE LATEST] 3 hacks to increase landing page conversions, HubSpot is not your marketing strategy, and LinkedIn adds product pages for brands - EMEL


Thursday, February 25, 2021

[THE LATEST] 3 hacks to increase landing page conversions, HubSpot is not your marketing strategy, and LinkedIn adds product pages for brands

3 hacks to increase landing page conversions, HubSpot is not your marketing strategy, and LinkedIn adds product pages for brands ...this is THE LATEST!

👀 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🔥 Have you seen the new expanded agenda for the Website Optimization Summit on March 23? Check it out and then get your ticket to this can't-miss virtual event for only $49 with my exclusive promo code OMGITSLIZ

One of our favorite daily traditions at IMPACT is that, every morning, Connor DeLaney shares a (verified) random fact, submitted by a fellow IMPACTer. So, I thought I would share some of the random fact love with you all this evening. 

Ahem *adjusts glasses*

Did you know...

Aren't random facts just the absolute best? And now, here's THE LATEST... 

👉 Here are 3 simple, yet super powerful ways to drastically increase landing page conversions (8-minute read + video)

It seems like every single day, there's an article promising you a moon's worth of "invaluable" advice that will skyrocket your landing page conversions. This article is not promising that after implementing these strategies that you'll have more leads than the population of a small country. Instead, what this article will do is arm you with some simple and powerful ways to drastically increase your landing page conversionsin 2021. So, if you want to learn real strategies to increase landing page conversions in meaningful ways, tune into this article from IMPACT Account Manager Hannah Woods, now with a bonus video

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 Yes, HubSpot can do a lot of amazing things for your business, but it is absolutely not your marketing strategy (10-minute read)

Our HubSpot guru, Carina Duffy, wants to get something off her chest that she thinks businesses everywhere to hear: HubSpot is not a marketing strategy. Businesses that are successful with HubSpot know this, and their success is no accident. It's the product of a lot of work. It's all too easy to see HubSpot in action and assume you'll quickly be able to get it to solve your problems. But you need a plan. But why is this true and what should that plan look like? To find out, you have to read this exclusive interview with IMPACT HubSpot Trainer Carina Duffy, in which she explains candidly why HubSpot can not be treated as a silver bullet to solve all your marketing problems

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 LinkedIn has launched product pages, so what do you need to know about them? (2-minute read)

Recently, LinkedIn announced Product Pages, which is a dedicated tab on your company page. The goal behind the creation of LinkedIn Product Pages is to help nurture conversations and build brand affinity with your customers and followers. Taking a few steps back let's review what are LinkedIn Product Pages. But how and when should you use them? And how do they differ from the other types of brand pages available on LinkedIn? Good news, IMPACT senior front-end developer Melissa Smith is here with everything you need to know about LinkedIn's new product pages.

📚 Related reads and resources:

📆 Upcoming events you can't miss

😮 What's the hot IMPACT+ gossip?

IMPACT+ not only has the on-demand training you need to be successful, it also has a supportive community ready to help you achieve your goals. And here's what we're talking about right now:

🏃 IMPACTers on the move

Catch IMPACT Director of Community and Events Stephanie Baiocchi on March 4 if you want the inside scoop on the marketing event landscape in 2021:

ETL FB Banner (2)

🎓 I've launched a new course for IMPACT+ members! 

There's no worse feeling as a content marketer than busting your a*s, only to have sales, leadership, and everyone else in your company questioning the value of what you're creating. 

That's why I created this course – The revenue team approach to sales enablement content... 

An introduction to the revenue team approach to sales enablement content

Watch the preview above and then check out the full course!

After completing this course, you'll never, ever have anyone question the value of your content again. The revenue you will generate from your content will be undeniable.

🛠️ Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...


I did this earlier with my new desk and, honestly, I'm not going to let anyone rob me of my Tool Time joy.  

Liz "a group of owls is called a parliament" Moorehead



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