[THE LATEST] How to scale your business the right way, Facebook video best practices from our expert, and how to tell if your new content manager is checking all the right boxes - EMEL


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

[THE LATEST] How to scale your business the right way, Facebook video best practices from our expert, and how to tell if your new content manager is checking all the right boxes

How to scale your business the right way, Facebook video best practices from our expert, and how to tell if your new content manager is checking all the right boxes ...this is THE LATEST!

👀 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🎁 Use promo code OMGITSLIZ to get your Website Optimization Summit ticket for ONLY $49! Tickets are currently $59 on the website, so consider this a small gift from me to you. You don't want to miss this one-day virtual event on March 23. By the time it ends, you'll have a clear roadmap of how to immediately start transforming your website into your #1 revenue-driver.

Roses are red

Violets are blue


If I can get up in front of the camera for video

So can you ❤️

👉 As a leader, how do you scale and grow your business the right way? (10-minute read)

You're ready to scale your business. You know bringing core components – like content writing, video production and marketing expertise – in-house is the right approach in order to break the dependency chains on an agency forever. But how do you bring about such a sweeping change at your company without making things more complicated and (most of all) without losing the buy-in of your employees and fellow company leaders? In this behind-the-scenes look from IMPACT COO Brie Rangel, you'll learn the precise tools, tactics, and strategies you need to grow your business and help your people "catch the vision" of what you're trying to create with ease.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 According to our expert, here are the Facebook video best practices you need to know (9-minute read)

If your ideal buyers are on Facebook, trust me, this article is something you must read. Did you know that video posts on Facebook receive 135% more reach than photos and have a 59% greater engagement than any other kind of post you might make as a brand? That's why it's so important that you don't just create video for Facebook, you have to do create the right videos in the right way on Facebook. How do you do that? Well, all-around superstar and IMPACT Video Trainer Lindsey Schmidt is here with this deep-dive into the nine essential Facebook video best practices you need to know and implement right now to see bigger and better results.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 How do you know if your new content manager is doing all the right things they should be? (5-minute read)

For some business leaders, the process of hiring a content manager is a unique and unfamiliar challenge. It's not a role they hire for often, and the skill sets required can be found in candidates with a wide variety of backgrounds. Because a content manager is an essential part of your inbound marketing efforts, getting this hire right is crucial. But successful managing doesn't end once the employee is onboarded. Actually, it's just beginning. So, in this candid article from content manager extraordinaire and IMPACT Revenue Editor John Becker, discover exactly what comes next after you make your content manager hire, as well as how to know if they're performing as they should be.

📚 Related reads and resources:

🏃 IMPACTers on the move

Catch IMPACT Director of Community and Events Stephanie Baiocchi on March 4 if you want the inside scoop on the marketing event landscape in 2021:

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🎓 I've launched a new course for IMPACT+ members! 

There's no worse feeling as a content marketer than busting your a*s, only to have sales, leadership, and everyone else in your company questioning the value of what you're creating. 

That's why I created this course – The revenue team approach to sales enablement content... 

An introduction to the revenue team approach to sales enablement content

Watch the preview above and then check out the full course!

After completing this course, you'll never, ever have anyone question the value of your content again. The revenue you will generate from your content will be undeniable.

📆 Upcoming events you can't miss

😮 What's the hot IMPACT+ gossip?

IMPACT+ not only has the on-demand training you need to be successful, it also has a supportive community ready to help you achieve your goals. And here's what we're talking about right now:

☃️ Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

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As New England looks ahead to yet another snow event on Thursday (up to eight inches, potentially, if we want to get specific about it), take a moment to honor a true hero this evening.

Liz "Remember when we did words?" Moorehead



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