[THE LATEST] The #1 rule of business copywriting - EMEL


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

[THE LATEST] The #1 rule of business copywriting

The #1 rule of business copywriting is to make your audience the hero. That means I spend most of my days putting myself in the shoes of our customers.

When I'm writing to other marketers like myself, that's pretty easy.

But recently, as I've been working on copy for the Virtual Selling Summit on May 4 (geared toward sales leaders, teams, and pros), I've found myself wondering:

"Am I just saying what a marketer thinks someone in sales needs to hear?"

Then I remind myself that this event is like every other that we've put on, in that we've built it for you. (Not for me.) From there, the copy almost writes itself.

If you're a business leader or in a sales role, know that the Virtual Selling Summit was thoughtfully and thoroughly researched just for you. In one day, you'll feel empowered with the proven strategies, tools, and techniques you need to close more deals faster in what has become an increasingly competitive, video-first virtual world.

And I hope to see you there.

Check it out and register here

Tickets are only $39 now through April 9! 

Want to access ALL virtual events for FREE? IMPACT+ Pro members get free access to all IMPACT virtual events throughout the year. Start your free trial.

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

3 quick fixes that will increase your website rankings right away (5-minute read

Keeping up with Google's constantly changing algorithm isn't easy. Sometimes, you may think you are doing everything right and you're still not ranking. Not to worry, Hannah Woods has you covered in this actionable article on how to improve your SEO ranking with 3 quick fixes. 

📚 Related reads and resources:

7 best social media management tools for 2021 (+ video) (12-minute read)

Managing your social media in one centralized place, isn't a new concept. But, with so many tools out there it's hard to know which is right for your business and your budget. In this resource filled article from Connor Delaney, get the answers you need to find the right social media tools for you. 

📚 Related reads and resources:

IMPACT+ community exclusives

IMPACT+ not only has the on-demand training you need to be successful, it also has a supportive community ready to help you achieve your goals.

And here's what we're talking about right now:

Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 3.03.31 PM

Pro-exclusive: Virtual Sales Appointment Strategies That Close Deals Faster

Video Template for THE LATEST (2)

In this course, Myriah Anderson examines today's virtual marketplace, its effect on the sales process, and how to master virtual sales appointments that take less time and move more buyers to action.

This course is a great fit for any sales or service team that is either beginning the transition to virtual appointments or is experiencing a much longer sales cycle and lackluster results since making this shift.

Learn the virtual sales appointment strategies that close deals

Not a pro member? Start your 14-day free trial

Well that's all for me today! Look out for more insights from Connor tomorrow. 

Kristen Pecka

Director of Demand Generation, 


P.S. As Liz teased yesterday, the Virtual Selling Summit is coming up on May 4. Don't fall behind your competition, this is an opportunity to learn from some of the world's best virtual sales experts!

Creating heroes, growing businesses, changing lives.
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