THE LATEST: The worst joke ever - EMEL


Monday, April 12, 2021

THE LATEST: The worst joke ever

I have to share with all of you a sales joke I was told today... and not because it was funny. Instead, I am sharing this with you because I am simply unwilling to suffer its existence on my own. 

"Did you hear about the saleswoman who sold a lot of freezers over the phone? She did mostly cold calls."

Ugh. Why? Why?!

It's the kind of joke that is so atrocious, I demand the Netflix documentary team to do a four-part series about it immediately, preferably yesterday. I need to understand the who, what, why, how, and when of this humor abomination, so I can guarantee it never happens again.

Because, when it comes to sales and sales enablement, you're already struggling enough to adapt to this new remote-first way of doing business. You don't need this kind of negative energy in your life making things worse.

Become a remote-selling all-star in a single day 

(OR score a virtual events pass with an IMPACT+ Pro membership!) 

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

Google confirms just changing the date on a piece of content won't increase rankings... so what will? (4-minute read

Google's John Mueller confirmed this week that the shortcut of simply updating the publishing date on a website page or piece of content won't result in you seeing an increase in your search rankings. And in this article from yours truly, I explain why this is the case, as well as the tactics you need to deploy in order to actually (and measurably) increase the search rankings for a piece of content or site page.

📚 Related reads and resources:

14 tips for optimizing your business blog articles for conversions (10-minute read)

Ranking high for keywords is cool, and getting traffic is sweet – but if you're not generating leads from that traffic for your sales team, I hate to tell you, but your blogs are underperforming. Thankfully, IMPACT's lead content trainer and IMPACT+ professor Kevin Phillips is here to save the day with this deep-dive into exactly how to optimize your content for conversions.

📚 Related reads and resources:

Not a pro member? Start a 14-day free trial!

IMPACT+ community exclusives

We're starting off the week strong with one of the most important questions a content manager or digital marketer will face, as they bring their content strategy to life with their team of experts... 

Screen Shot 2021-04-12 at 4.27.57 PM

Pro on-demand: The 1% content strategy with the one and only Andy Crestodina 

Video Template for THE LATEST (4)

What do all of the most successful business content strategies have in common, no matter their industry? The folks behind them work smarter, not harder. So, how do you make your B2B content program deliver the results you're looking for, and more?

Andy Crestodina, in this crowd-favorite from Website Optimization Summit, is here to answer that question with this on-demand session about the 1% content strategy, so you can best 99% of the other B2B content programs out there.

Work smarter, not harder with your content strategy

Not a pro member? Start your 14-day free trial and get access!

Happy Monday, everyone! As a heads up, you won't be hearing from me again until the Friday after next – but don't worry, my other pals here will make sure you get the goods during the upcoming Friday and Monday issues. 

Liz Moorehead



P.S. We've got a bunch of new courses and lessons in IMPACT+! This new content ranges from pillar content, assignment prospecting, maximizing HubSpot reporting, and even virtual event sponsorships. Go check them out for yourself!

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