THE LATEST: Don't let new habits feel temporary - EMEL


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

THE LATEST: Don't let new habits feel temporary

Over the weekend, I moved for the first time!

It went super well (like... way better than expected) and things are coming together smoothly. 

No pictures today, we're still tidying things up 😅

As exciting as the move has been, I can't shake the feeling that this is temporary. It's more like I'm staying at a hotel rather actually living here and calling it home. 

Being less than a week in, I'm guessing this is pretty normal for a first timer, but I've discovered a similar feeling in some of the habits I'm working on as well. 

For example, I've cut YouTube out of my routine and replaced it with reading. I've loved this change out of the gate, but it's my fourth time trying it, so again, this feels temporary. 

The key this time around is I have a massive book list that I want to tackle. That way, I'm eliminating the opportunity to fall back into the YouTube trap of having nothing else to do.

Another way to I'm staying accountable to habits like this is tracking my progress with others. See what I'm reading and what I've read so far this month in IMPACT+ and share what you've picked up while you're at it! 

Check out what I've been reading!

And now, here's THE LATEST...

How to get YouTube subscribers: 12 tips to increase your fanbase (11-minute listen

If YouTube is a part of your marketing strategy, the clear goal is to reach a greater audience and increase your subscriber base. Certainly easier said than done. That's why IMPACT Lead Video Trainer Lindsey Schmidt compiled these 12 easy-to-implement tips for your YouTube strategy to increase subscribers. 

📚 Related reads and resources:

Hesitant to start Digital Sales and Marketing Mastery? Here's when you should and shouldn't wait (4-minute read)

Digital Sales & Marketing Mastery is a big commitment and can feel like an intimidating leap to take for your business. That leap warrants hesitation and it's important to know whether you just have cold feet or the time is right. To help you, John Becker sat down with Digital Sales & Marketing Coach Will Schultz to compare when you should pump the breaks versus the obstacles you will overcome in Digital Sales & Marketing Mastery.

📚 Related reads and resources:

IMPACT+ community exclusives

Social media calendars are such a blessing behind all the planning and preparation to actually make them happen, right? Well, this is your time to shine. If you've put in all the hard work to create your social media content calendar, share it with Kaitlyn and the IMPACT+ community!

Social Media Content Calendars

IMPACT+ Pro exclusive: Creating pillar content your buyers and search engines will love

Liz Pillar Content Course

SEO isn't dead. The way search engines map our content today is simply very different (and much more human) than it was when we all first started creating content marketing strategies to drive traffic, leads, and sales for our companies.

In this course, you will learn how to create a successful pillar and topic cluster strategy that makes your content more human, more valuable, and revenue-driving!

Create a pillar strategy that drives revenue

Not a pro member? Start your 14-day free trial and get access!

Thanks for stopping by, we will see you next time!

Connor DeLaney

Member Success Manager,

P.S. - Scaling for the Future is over, but that doesn't mean you can't relive the event! You can access all the recordings from yesterday's event by heading to the Events tab in IMPACT+ where you can access them all on-demand at any time!

Creating heroes, growing businesses, changing lives.
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