THE LATEST: efficient meetings, sales and marketing friction, and 88 compelling words for your website - EMEL


Thursday, May 27, 2021

THE LATEST: efficient meetings, sales and marketing friction, and 88 compelling words for your website

How to have effective meetings, fixing sales and marketing friction, and 88 compelling words for your website... this is THE LATEST! 

Over the past two days, I've spent 19 hours on Zoom

After we wrapped up our 10-hour long planning meeting yesterday, which was proceeded by a full-day virtual event the day before, I told my friends this and one of them responded:

becca responds too much zoom

Amazingly, my brain is not leaking out of my ears, though my eyes are a bit strained. The planning meeting was actually really great!

But that's the magic of virtual communication when it's done right. Hours can feel like minutes and you can truly be productive even when you can't all hunker down in a conference room in-person. 

What made this day-long meeting so productive? Here are some things we did that helped: 

  1. We had a clear list of things we needed to accomplish
  2. We didn't move on from a topic until it was completely done but we stayed on-topic the whole time
  3. We recorded it and had someone take notes so we could all be fully present 
  4. We made it clear to our teams we would not be responding during this time 
  5. We took breaks periodically 

These are just a few of the things that made this meeting successful. Whether your meetings are short or long, on video or in-person, there are always ways to be more efficient and effective.

For more tips, check out this 20-minute talk in IMPACT+ on how to make every meeting insanely effective

Make every meeting more effective

And now, here's THE LATEST...

Sales and marketing friction is hurting your bottom line – here's what to do about it (5-minute read)

Ah yes, the time-honored tradition of sales and marketing going head to head is alive and well, unfortunately. In fact, 96% of sales and marketing professionals agree that strategic alignment between their teams is a persistent challenge. That's why IMPACT Revenue and Features Editor John Becker wrote this article with six steps to take to start breaking down those walls

📚 Related reads and resources:

88 compelling words and phrases to prompt website visitors into action (2-minute read

Yesterday during our all-day planning meeting we did an activity to optimize our CTAs. One of the things we looked at was the language we use. Do the words we choose inspire action? That's why I wanted to share this list from IMPACT VP of Operations Kaitlyn Petro of 88 compelling words and phrases to prompt website visitors into action.

📚 Related reads and resources:

IMPACT+ community exclusives

We've talked a lot at recent events about the power of self-selection tools such as pricing calculators. Dale Pease jumped right in and started building his already (rock on!) and wants your feedback.

impact+ dale pease question about pricing calculators

Pro-Exclusive Lesson: Virtual Sales Appointment Strategies That Close Deals Faster

impact+ pro course virtual sales appointment strategies

Strategies for a productive virtual meeting aren't just for internal use! Check out these strategies for effective virtual sales appointments so you don't lose those valuable sales opportunities in a virtual environment. 

Learn the virtual sales strategies that close deals

Not a pro member? Start your 14-day free trial and get access!

We're almost to Friday! You've got this. 💪

Stephanie Baiocchi

Director of Membership & Events,

P.S. Our next virtual event is all about video sales and marketing. We've got some great topics in the works but if there's something you're dying to learn about, hit reply and let me know so we can work it into the agenda! (Save the date for July 20th!)

Creating heroes, growing businesses, changing lives.
Sent with 💙 by IMPACT 

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