THE LATEST: Vanquish your villain - EMEL


Monday, May 24, 2021

THE LATEST: Vanquish your villain

I, Elizabeth Moorehead, on this day – Monday, the 24th of May – made my bed. Please remain calm; I ask that you hold your applause and words of affirmation as best you can.

Yes, this is a lofty achievement few are able to attain in their lifetime – a Mt. Everest for the homebound, if you will – but I share this news with a heavy heart:

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Within 10 minutes of my peerless performance as a "passable adult," this ding-dong pranced in and ruined my creation.

Isn't that just the pits when that happens?

You work so hard on achieving a task, only to have something (or someone) come along and say, "Hold up, not so fast!" For example, Google, as recently as this past Saturday, was back at its favorite pastime of toying with our emotions with unexpected updates. Why must they be this way, WHY?!

Yet we need to keep our cool when these setbacks occur. I know project and task derailments can truly suck rocks in the moment. But as the powerful brand messaging StoryBrand framework points out, all great hero stories out there have a villain.

Which means it's your choice whether or not a roadblock is one that is permanent or, ultimately, a small hinderance on your path to success. 

(Nugget, in case you are wondering – and have miraculously learned how to read – you are most certainly the latter. Our bed-making clash is far from over.)

And now, here's THE LATEST...

Here are the 5 digital marketing news stories you may have missed last week  (5-minute read)

While you were busy growing your business, creating moneymaking content, and absolutely slaying your digital sales and marketing goals last week, here are the big digital marketing news stories and expert tidbits you may have missed. From yours truly, Google dropped a huge algorithm update over the weekend (maybe), Facebook shared more insights into their ads approval process, return-to-office plans are in flux, and much more.

📚 Related reads and resources:

What is the StoryBrand framework, and why is it guaranteed to help you with your brand messaging? (7-minute read

By a show of hands, how many of you struggle to bring clarity to (or gain consensus on) your brand messaging? For those of you with your hand raised, this article is just for you. The StoryBrand Framework is a renowned approach to clarifying your marketing message where you explain what your business does through a relatable story. And IMPACT Associate Director of Content Ramona Sukhraj is here with this wildly creative and engaging overview of what the StoryBrand framework is and why it's so stinking amazing.

📚 Related reads and resources:

IMPACT+ community exclusives

Here's what's on my desk, but who cares about that? Stephanie wants to know what's on your desk.

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Pro-exclusive course: Fundamentals of creating sales and marketing videos

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Have you ever wanted to know the behind-the-scenes magic ✨ of companies that are crushing it with their video sales and marketing? The "secret sauce" that is getting them rockstar results, from strategy and filming, through to production and publication?

If so, I've got some great news for you. One of my absolute favorite humans on the planet – and an IMPACT digital sales and marketing coach – Will Schultz has put together this course on how to ace the fundamentals of your video sales and marketing strategy.

How to create sales and marketing videos that get results

Not a pro member? Start your 14-day free trial and get access!

👋 Will we see you tomorrow?

Last call! In a constantly changing business landscape, scaling up is more challenging than ever.

Get the skills you need to align your teams around company-wide goals, master proven strategies to execute your vision, lead a more profitable business and start scaling for the future.


Tomorrow, May 25, join us for a one-day virtual forum on building up your leaders and growing your business.

Liz Moorehead



P.S. Yes, you may be well on your way to vanquishing the villain of your own digital sales and marketing success story. But if you ever need support – or simply someone to say, "Yes, I totally know what you are going through!" – I strongly encourage you to join one of our role-based IMPACT+ mastermind groups

Creating heroes, growing businesses, changing lives.
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