THE LATEST: Dos and don'ts of pride month marketing, 15 examples of inclusive marketing, and the startup guide to content marketing - EMEL


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

THE LATEST: Dos and don'ts of pride month marketing, 15 examples of inclusive marketing, and the startup guide to content marketing

Dos and don'ts of pride month marketing, 15 examples of inclusive marketing, and the startup guide to content marketing ... this is THE LATEST! 

🔥 Hot off the presses

👋 Attention IMPACT+ Pro members! You can now RSVP for Video Sales & Marketing World 2021! On July 20, you'll learn how to turn video into one of your best revenue drivers, no matter your experience level. Trust me, you'll want to be there.

If you are a content creator or a brand that embraces content as a means to achieve your goals, there will be moments where you must recognize you need to step aside. When it is not your place to be the narrator, the storyteller or the hero.

So, this space in this issue is for Emily's voice, not my own:

We were on our way to the grocery store and I said it.

"Mom, I'm gay." 

I was 15 years old. She pulled the car over and we sat in silence. We didn't talk again until she dropped me off at the office of a therapist claiming they could fix me.

It was 2007, and gay marriage wouldn't be legalized for another eight years. Since then, the country and the world have changed for the better.

Continue reading.

And now, here's THE LATEST...

Dos and don'ts of pride month marketing for brands (7-minute read)

While some organizations use Pride Month as a chance to overuse rainbow colors, be "trendy," or make a sale, the spotlight should really be focused on the issues and how that business is contributing to the cause. In this article, IMPACT Web Strategist Emily Mermell shares five dos and don'ts to make sure your Pride Month marketing strikes the right chord.  

📚 Related reads and resources:

Startups guide to getting started with content marketing (16-minute read)

For startup founders, there is no greater thrill than witnessing your vision become reality. With investors lined up, a stellar workforce in place, and a pool of buyers steadily growing, you need to scale up fast or risk being unprofitable. In this comprehensive, step-by-step article from IMPACT Evergreen Editor Kimberly Marshall, learn everything you need to know about leveraging content marketing to grow your new business

📚 Related reads and resources:

15 inspiring, powerful examples of inclusive marketing (8-minute read

In its purest and most authentic form, diverse and inclusive marketing forces you to throw everything you assume about your audience out the door and think deeper about why and how your product may be used. Diverse and inclusive marketing forces you to throw everything you assume about your audience out the door and think deeper about why and how your product may be used. And in this article from IMPACT's own Ramona Sukhraj, you'll find real-world inspiration from 15 stunning examples of inclusive marketing.

📚 Related reads and resources:

Upcoming events calendar

Mark your calendars, digital sales and marketing pros, because here's what's coming up:

**You'll need an IMPACT+ account in order to register. Not a pro member? Start your 14-day free trial of IMPACT+ today.

On-demand event spotlight

Get ready for Video Sales and Marketing World 2021 by reliving the inspirational experience of Marcus Sheridan and Tyler Lessard's joint keynote from #VSMW2020:

Video Template for THE LATEST (11)

More than ever before, consumers are demanding more video. Join authors of The Visual Sale, Marcus Sheridan and Tyler Lessard, to learn how to start selling over video – no matter how much you hate watching yourself on the screen (we promise) – and how to integrate video into your content strategy.

Discover the power of The Visual Sale

If you're not already a Pro member, start your 14-day free trial to gain access to our entire on-demand events library.

Wayback Wednesday

"... diversity means more than just putting a person of color or of different gender in the seats of leadership and management because now it's the 'in' thing to do. It's not just about color, gender, and religion. It's even more than a person's social class, educational background, or age."

Read the full story on redefining corporate diversity beyond the typical labels.

Liz Moorehead



P.S. If you're a business (B2B or B2C) struggling to find the right platform, strategy or approach to your social media marketing, this course from community-favorite Stephanie Baiocchi is just what the doctor ordered. 

Creating heroes, growing businesses, changing lives.
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