Jetpack Search has proven to be quite popular among WordPress site owners — and for good reason. This relatively new tool has the magical ability to understand the true intent of a visitor and serve up exactly what they're looking for, all in a split second. Sometimes the perfect result is displayed even before the searcher has finished typing.

The outcome? People stay on sites longer. They read more, view more pages, and buy more products. 

If you haven't read Kylie M. Interiors' story, you should make the time. This incredible business from a small town in Canada receives more than 50,000 page views each day. They needed a reliable search plugin and their dreams came true with Jetpack Search. From the article:  

Kylie's husband of 15 years, Tim, handles business operations and runs their WordPress site.  "At the end of it all, Jetpack Search was the best solution I found," Tim said. "We're euphoric over how well it works." 

"Tim didn't tell me that he changed the search function," Kylie added. "One day I made a search and was like, 'I got what I wanted!'"

Kylie described the new search functionality as a "game changer" for her business. "Now you can find any of the 300 articles you're looking for in a hot second," she said. "I'm advertising it in my client consultations and telling people to use it because it works."

Given the success of the plugin, we wanted to shine a light on the heroes behind the scenes. How exactly does it work? What's the story behind it? 

We interviewed Jason Moon, who wrote most of the code for Jetpack Search, as well as other team members Chris Rosser and Robert Felty. We also got feedback from Greg Brown, who helped architect Jetpack Search and bring the idea to fruition.

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Rob Pugh | July 13, 2021 at 11:00 am | Categories: Learn | URL: