THE LATEST: Which social media platform drives the most revenue, how to make your sales videos look and sound great without breaking the bank, and how to use conversion rate optimization to increase revenue - EMEL


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

THE LATEST: Which social media platform drives the most revenue, how to make your sales videos look and sound great without breaking the bank, and how to use conversion rate optimization to increase revenue

Which social media platform drives the most revenue, how to make your sales videos look and sound great without breaking the bank, and how to use conversion rate optimization to increase revenue ... this is THE LATEST! 

🔥 Hot off the presses

I'll be honest, since the start of 2021, I have politely asked life to "zig" on a few different occasions. Of course, life replied with an assertive "zag" each and every time. As life is wont to do.

As a result, I spent the first five months of this year in survival mode. Adapting, evolving, being the fixer, "embracing the messy," and ... well, racking up countless hours on my Calm app with every "So, you're crippled by anxiety!" session I could find.

To get through it all, I deprioritized anything I deemed "nonessential." I stopped going to the gym, I traded fast food for cooking, I became an absolutely atrocious friend who was impossible to reach, I consistently sacrificed sleep and "me time" for work to a degree that was not healthy (or necessary), and on and on.

Flash forward to right now, and my situation is a lot different. I am less stressed. I am sleeping. I actually answer the phone and respond to texts. I am genuinely happy.

Oh, and I also sound like this every single time I stand up, sit down or try to walk down a flight of stairs – because I finally stopped bear-pawing cheesecake, picked up an apple and got my butt back to the gym this week.

Have you ever had moments like that where, in order to "stay focused on what's important," you pushed everything else you consider to be unimportant to the side?

When you start measuring success not by actual results, but rather by how much you're able to check off on your to do list? When you act as if there is absolutely no time to slow down, try something new or heck, even just get back to basics? 

Yes, in some instances, that kind of approach is smart. For example, in a work context, at some point you need to stop scheduling meetings and start doing, am I right?

Unfortunately, that kind of mentality can also very easily cut the other way. In my case, giving myself permission not to try and "do it all" (because I'm only human) was well-intentioned. That said, over time, it also threw my life completely out of balance. I was miserable. 

At our jobs as business leaders, marketers and sales pros, this kind of hyper-focused mentality can also provide a similar measure of short-term relief (and maybe even a few quick wins). But, in the long run, you become stunted by your own tunnel vision.

You reject new ways of getting results, like video, because you think it's too expensive when it's actually much easier (and cheaper) than you think. You waste time (and money) on social media strategies meant to help you drive revenue with your content because you never bothered to validate your assumptions with data on where you should be focusing your efforts.

That's because, much like bear-pawing cheesecake is not a viable, long-term substitute for dinner or happiness, neither is never slowing down long enough to ask yourself, "Am I working smarter or am I just working harder?"

Yes, sometimes those answers may create more work (and even more questions), but that's where real growth happens. When you embrace that transitional, messy middle, that's where your story of "what's really possible" begins.

And now, here's THE LATEST...

New data shows that if you're publishing content, Facebook is a better value for revenue and Twitter is not (4-minute read)

Social media marketing as a business is a tricky beast. This is especially true if you've embraced They Ask, You Answer and inbound marketing to drive growth for your company. You know social media should fit into your strategy, right? But how do you do it well? First, you read this article from yours truly that outlines new data about how effective social media platforms are (and aren't) at driving revenue for content publishers like you.

📚 Related reads and resources:

How to make your sales videos look and sound great without breaking the bank (3-minute read)

Adding video into your marketing and sales process isn't just a "nice to have," but a must have in the current climate. This can be intimidating for many as the word "video" is often associated with a big price tag. But that doesn't have to — and often shouldn't — be the case with video for sales and marketing. And in this article from IMPACTer Ramona Sukhraj, get the top tips from today's pros on how to level up the look and sound of your videos without having to spend a ton of money.

📚 Related reads and resources:

How to use conversion rate optimization to boost your revenue (46-minute podcast

You can lead your ideal buyer to your website, but will they convert? That's what most of us are chasing in our efforts to drive more sales with inbound marketing. And that's where conversion rate optimization comes in. In this exclusive Inbound Success podcast interview, Dexter Agency CEO Joris Bryon lays out, step-by-step, a process anyone can use on any type of website to improve conversions and fill their sales pipeline.

📚 Related reads and resources:

Upcoming events calendar

Mark your calendars, digital sales and marketing pros, because here's what's coming up:

**You'll need an IMPACT+ account in order to register. Not a pro member? Enjoy your first 14 days of IMPACT+ Pro for free.

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Video Template for THE LATEST (14)

After Google, YouTube is the second most powerful (and popular) search engine in the world. But, as a business creating content to answer the questions of your most ideal buyers, how do you establish yourself as the #1 teacher in your industry on YouTube?

In this on-demand session from one of my favorite humans ever (and client-favorite) IMPACT coach Will Schultz, learn all of the behind-the-scenes tips, tactics and strategies for creating a business YouTube channel that wows your audience and drives real results.

Unlock your YouTube strategy today

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Weeklong nonsense

Let's be realistic – it doesn't matter what day of the week it is, we can all use a laugh ...

Screen Shot 2021-07-07 at 10.46.27 PM

My life knowing Connor and Franco. Every. Single. Day.

Liz Moorehead



P.S. It's way cheaper (and easier) than you think to transform video from a "maybe someday" idea to one of your top revenue drivers for your company. Join us on July 20 to learn how.

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