THE LATEST: New HubSpot CMS Hub starter tier is live, how long-tail keywords can drive business, and why you need a coach to spur growth for your company - EMEL


Monday, August 9, 2021

THE LATEST: New HubSpot CMS Hub starter tier is live, how long-tail keywords can drive business, and why you need a coach to spur growth for your company

New HubSpot CMS Hub starter tier is live, how long-tail keywords can drive business, and why you need a coach to spur growth for your company ... this is THE LATEST! 

🔥 Hot off the presses

🗑️"Every day I log into HubSpot, I have no idea what's going on in there and I don't know how to find anything. On top of that, it's so disorganized, I'm not sure I can trust the reporting and analytics." If this sounds familiar, this IMPACT+ Pro course from Carina Duffy is for you.

Earlier, I opened up a recipe I had pinned online for lasagna .. and I spent what felt like 45 hours scrolling past paragraph after "Oh my gosh, no one cares!" paragraph of this recipe author's life story. 

It was a great reminder to me that, while storytelling is a powerful tool for your inbound content creation, there are times when people don't want to know why an experience on the playground when you were in middle school taught you something about what it means to fail and get back up again.

Sometimes, they just want you to cut right to the chase. 

So, here is one of my favorite crazy simple content creation tips, with no references to my childhood, moments of personal growth, quotes from The Godfather trilogy, or pictures of my cat:

If you want the big, bold ideas you showcase in your content to stop someone in their tracks (in a good way), avoid using as much as humanly possible:

  • The word "ensure" AND
  • The phrase "... you may want to consider"

... in your content.

When you rely on these message-deflating crutches, you'll come off as passive and lacking conviction, instead of as the memorable expert and galvanizing catalyst for action I know you want to be.

And now, here's THE LATEST...

HubSpot CMS Hub website builder has a new tier for growing businesses (4-minute article)

HubSpot recently rolled out a new Starter tier of the CMS Hub. Originally, the CMS Hub was only available starting at $400 a month (and higher). The new Starter tier provides a lower barrier to entry for companies to some of the best perks of the HubSpot CMS Hub, as it's only $25 per month. And in this debut piece from IMPACT Director of Content Paul Grant, you'll discover why the new HubSpot CMS Hub starter tier is considered a "game-changer" by folks in the industry.

📚 Related reads and resources:

How long-tail keyword research can drive business (5-minute read)

What if we told you that with a little work and a lot more focus, you can get traffic that's better targeted, better looking (probably), and, best of all, more likely to convert? Looking for a way to improve qualified lead acquisition? Long-tail keywords. Want to make the sales process smoother? Long-tail keywords. In this powerful analysis from IMPACT Director of SEO Kevin Church, unlock how a long-tail keyword approach to your content can get big results.

📚 Related reads and resources:

Why you need to hire a coach to spur business growth, from IMPACT CEO Bob Ruffolo (5-minute read) 

"My story is the same story that so many business owners know to be true: As we grow, the work we do today is completely removed from what we did when we were getting started. Instead of a frontline worker, you become a manager (then, in many cases, you become a manager of managers)." Read the rest of this exclusive article from IMPACT founder and CEO Bob Ruffolo to learn why coaches are the key to your growth and success as a business.

📚 Related reads and resources:

Upcoming events

  • The Indispensable Coach (August 10, TOMORROW; online, everywhere)
    You deliver results for your clients, but are you indispensable? The answer is probably no. Spend one day to become your client's most indispensable asset and create a more profitable business.

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After a ton of internal collaboration, meetings, and research, you've nailed your messaging strategy. Still, something isn't right. For some reason, your website is failing to close the deal by attracting and converting those perfect-fit prospects.

Often, the culprit for this is your website copy.

Instead of bringing those customers to you, the well-intentioned words you've chosen are letting you down by scaring off, confusing, or otherwise repelling the people you're trying to reach. If website copywriting for your company is stumping you, this quick IMPACT+ lesson is for you.

Master copywriting secrets in under 30 minutes

If you're not already a Pro member, enjoy your first 14 days of IMPACT+ Pro free to gain access to our entire on-demand events library.

Weeklong nonsense

Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 10.33.56 PM

"Other technologies said I was crazy ..." 

Liz Moorehead



P.S. Because I love you, during this 45-minute, free, on-demand session, you'll learn a 4-step secret content formula that will wow your ideal buyers and make content much easier to produce.

Creating heroes, growing businesses, changing lives.
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