THE LATEST: New website user experience tools from Google, what the heck is sales enablement, and 5 steps to get your sales team to use your CRM - EMEL


Friday, August 13, 2021

THE LATEST: New website user experience tools from Google, what the heck is sales enablement, and 5 steps to get your sales team to use your CRM

New website user experience audit tools from Google, what the heck is sales enablement, and 5 steps to get your sales team to use your CRM ... this is THE LATEST! 

🔥 Hot off the presses

🗑️"Every day I log into HubSpot, I have no idea what's going on in there and I don't know how to find anything. On top of that, it's so disorganized, I'm not sure I can trust the reporting and analytics." If this sounds familiar, this IMPACT+ Pro course from Carina Duffy is for you.

I'll be honest, 99.999999% of the time I say, "Oh yeah, I'm totally fine. Seriously, I'm fiiiiine," I do not mean it. 

I hate admitting that, but ... yeah, I'm that girl. Meaning, I can be a total drama queen when I want to be.

So, in those moments when I say I'm "fine" – when I'm feeling a little extra petty – what I really mean is, "This kitchen cabinet I'm about to slam into oblivion did nothing wrong, but I'm going to be mad at it because you can't read my mind and know I'm mad at you."

At least I'm self-aware, right?

Meanwhile, my poor, unwitting partner thinks I'm actually fine. It's not their fault, though. I said the word "fine." Repeatedly. Which *adjusts glasses* means, "in a satisfactory or pleasing manner; very well," and not "I will end you."

In the business world, however, this distinct Lack of Shared Definition Award 🏆 goes to the often used, yet rarely consensus-building term "sales enablement." 

That's right. Sales enablement. We all use it. We all throw it around in conversation. But how many of you really know what it means?

And now, here's THE LATEST...

Google shares new tools to audit website user experience (3-minute article)

Recently, on Aug. 9, Google's posse got together and shared new insights as to how we can make the most of the tools they offer. Specifically, tools you can use to audit your business website's user experience, so it's the best it can be. Sure, this latest tidbit of analysis may seem self-serving; Google is largely directing you toward their own tools. But in this article from IMPACT Content Director Paul Grant, you'll get the inside scoop on how to use these tools and keep your website experience where it needs to be.

📚 Related reads and resources:

5 steps to get your sales team using your company's CRM platform (6-minute read)

When adopted correctly, a CRM (or customer relationship management software) can be a game-changer for a sales professional. Gone are spreadsheets, tedious email chains, call logs, and other arcane and piecemeal systems. Instead, you have a single platform that handles and organizes all aspects of your work. But your sales team may not be always as ready to jump on board. So, in this article from IMPACT Revenue Editor John Becker, you'll unlock the secrets of getting your sales team excited to use your company's CRM platform.

📚 Related reads and resources:

What the heck is sales enablement content really? (5-minute read) 

Sales enablement, sales enablement, sales enablement! It's the business buzzword on the tip of everyone's tongue, the supposed solution to every problem we have – like low traffic numbers and poor lead quality. But what the heck is sale enablement really? And is it really the business version of the T-rex at the end of Jurassic Park, ready to save the day for all of us? In this write-up and video from yours truly, you'll discover precisely what sales enablement content really is (and what it looks like).

📚 Related reads and resources:

On-demand IMPACT+ spotlight

Video Template for THE LATEST (17)

If you're in sales, you know how challenging prospecting can be. You're reaching out to ideal buyers who have never heard of you before, and (in a single communication) you need to get them to like you, trust you, and take action. Too often, however, your messages go unopened and unanswered. Until now, that is. 

In this course, you'll unlock the powerful tactics, strategies, and secrets to creating prospecting emails that are guaranteed to get higher open rates and leave your prospects genuinely excited to learn more from you.

Unsuck your prospecting emails

If you're not already a Pro member, enjoy your first 14 days of IMPACT+ Pro free to gain access to our entire on-demand events library.

Weeklong nonsense

Screen Shot 2021-08-13 at 6.07.45 PM

Please. Do not send this book to Pumpkin.

Liz Moorehead



P.S. Because I love you, during this 45-minute, free, on-demand session, you'll learn a 4-step secret content formula that will wow your ideal buyers and make content much easier to produce.

Creating heroes, growing businesses, changing lives.
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