[The Latest] Being nice is the new black 🖤 - EMEL


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

[The Latest] Being nice is the new black 🖤

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You Can Be Nice & Successful, Fake Bad Reviews Are Fixable, & Instagram Lends a Helping Hand to Marketers ...This Is The Latest!

When I watch the news every morning, I'm reminded that more than a few of us must have missed that day in kindergarten when we were taught the importance and value of being nice -- it wasn't all juice boxes and recess

The same holds true today.

Whether we're talking about how we handle ourselves at the office, how we deal when someone isn't being nice about our business, or when we see a brand like Instagram taking the time to educate us "old folks," we should all remember that being nice never goes out of style. 😎

Here's The Latest ...


Is Being Nice at Work a Bad Thing? Most Say Yes. Brie Says No.

The search results for "being nice at work" aren't pretty. In fact, every article seems to stop just short of saying, "You're better off pretending to be an unfeeling Don Draper robot while on the clock. If any of your coworkers catch a whiff of you being even remotely human, you're toast." IMPACT's VP of Services, Brie Rangel, strongly disagrees, however -- being nice is how she has gotten to where she is. Learn more about why being nice always has a place at the office.


Fighting Back Against the "Fake News" of the Business World -- Fake Reviews

You've worked tirelessly to build a business that provides genuine value for your clients and customers. Then, a dastardly ne'er-do-well comes along and tries to undermine all of your hard work by flooding online forums with negative, one-star reviews about your products and services. (Maybe they weren't hugged enough as a child?) What now? How do you address fake negative reviews when the damage has already been done? Whether you're talking about fake reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Angie's List, or yes, even the Yellow Pages, the detailed processes in this infographic will show you what to do.


Instagram Is Taking Marketers to School -- Story School, That Is!

I remember when Snapchat first came along, and my "elder millennial" self didn't get it. ("I make myself look like a bunny with filters to connect with my friends...? That can't be right.") So, unsurprisingly, Instagram Stories -- Instagram's response to Snapchat -- left me feeling similarly flummoxed. Thankfully, Instagram has realized that while Instagram Stories holds so much potential for marketers, many of us still need help in understanding how to make the most out of this unique brand storytelling and advertising channel. Enter stage left, Instagram Story School, a free educational hub for marketers.

... More Music to Your Ears 🎶

Save The Date

  • Elite Conversation with Jay Acunzo TODAY at 11 a.m. Eastern. We're going live today in IMPACT Elite with keynote speaker, author and award-winning podcaster Jay Acunzo. If you join us live you will get a free chapter from his book "Break the Wheel," so join us at 11 a.m. Eastern today in Elite. (Don't panic if you're reading this email after 11 a.m. The recording will be available at the same link afterward, so check it out!)
  • Better Your Connecticut Business TOMORROW! On Wednesday, October 17 -- join the Connecticut Better Business Bureau and five speakers from IMPACT for the Better Business Summit! Get your tickets before they're gone.

OK, question time!

What is your biggest email marketing turn-off? You know, the one thing someone can do in an email that will immediately result in you unsubscribing -- or at least strongly side-eying the sender?

Mine is easy -- emails that add nothing to my day.

I want emails that make me think, teach me something, or give me something to do, no matter how small. Otherwise, why waste my time?

Reply to this email with your answer. We'll share them later this week, so we can all be nicer (less annoying) email marketers.

Oh, and if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

Talk to you soon!

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


Share the Awesomeness.


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