Welcome SeedProd to the WPBeginner Family of Products - EMEL


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Welcome SeedProd to the WPBeginner Family of Products


Today, I'm extremely excited to announce that SeedProd has joined Awesome Motive, and it is now part of the WPBeginner's family of products.

SeedProd is the most popular coming soon and maintenance mode plugin for WordPress used by over 800,000+ WordPress sites.

You can use SeedProd page builder combined with our 50+ pre-made templates and 500,000+ free stock photos to quickly create a beautiful coming soon page or maintenance page for your website.

It integrates with all popular social media platforms and email marketing services to help you build traffic and subscribers before your website launches.

Even though it's not a brand new product, we're going to keep up with tradition and offer our loyal WPBeginner readers the Ultimate Lifetime license for SeedProd, so you can get lifetime updates and access to all new features that we will be adding soon.

Read the full announcement to learn the background story and what's coming next for SeedProd plugin.

Aside from coming soon and maintenance mode pages, SeedProd also comes with addons for creating a notification bar, countdown timers, custom login page design, custom 404 page design, and a custom landing page addon.

The lifetime license deal for SeedProd will not last long, so please take advantage of it while it is here. Once it goes away, we do not bring these deals back. 

Get SeedProd Lifetime License Now

I'm super excited about SeedProd, and I can't wait to share more updates in the coming months.

If you have specific features that you'd like us to add in the SeedProd plugin, then please let us know by replying to this email.

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

P.S. Don't forget to check out the WPBeginner blog, we have written some really amazing tutorials lately that I know you'll love!
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