[THE LATEST] Smile! You're on camera. 😬 - EMEL


Saturday, December 1, 2018

[THE LATEST] Smile! You're on camera. 😬

Instagram Takes Big Steps in Accessibility, LinkedIn Introduces "Stories," & How You Can Be More Likable On Camera...This is THE LATEST!

Happy Saturday, friends!

So, I recently caved and bought the new iPhone and it was mainly for one reason -- that snazzy camera. Both professionally and personally, I don't think there's another tool that's been more essential in my day-to-day.

Just a take look around any office, restaurant, social media feed, or even the articles below and you'll understand why: 

Millions of Visually Impaired Individuals Can Now Enjoy Instagram Thanks to New Alternative Text Features 📱

Most in marketing or SEO are familiar with image alt text, but it's never really been a concern in social media -- until now. This week, Instagram introduced two new features that will make its platform more accessible to those with visual impairments. This is a great step for inclusion and user experience as IMPACT's Development Supervisor, Melissa Smith, explains here. 

These 5 Tips Will Help Even People Who Hate Video Feel More Comfortable on Camera 🎥 

Confession: I love the camera -- but hate video. I could tell you why and why you need this article, but I'll let its author (and my equally video-averse teammate, Liz Murphy) do that for me: 

How to Be More Comfortable on Video

LinkedIn Could Be Reaching Out to Younger Audiences As It Adds "Stories" 📚

I've a got a story for you, but looking at this news, everyone does! This week, LinkedIn announced its joining the likes of Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook (and soon even YouTube) by adding "Stories" to its platform. This latest update begs the question, is LinkedIn evolving for a younger workforce? Director of Client Service Katie Pritchard shares her two cents in this article.

Save the Date 📅

  • Get ready to HUG it out if you're in Hartford, New Haven, or Annapolis. The Hartford (CT) HUG and the Annapolis (MD) HUG are gathering this Tuesday, December 4, while friends in the New Haven, CT area get a HUG a week later. No need to be a HubSpot user! There will be great discussion, food, drinks, and plenty of time to network. Don't miss it! 
  • Are you a Super Early Bird (or just like to save money)? It's a crazy time of year and IMPACT Live (August 6–7) seems so far away, but from now until December 21, you can grab All-Access Tickets for $350 and VIP for $500 (that's about half the sticker price). It's so much easier to justify an event when tickets are nearly half off, right?
  • Learn How to Newsjack Your Way to Media Attention This December! In this upcoming webinar, one of the leaders of the newsjacking movement, David Meerman Scott will teach you how to boost traffic and grab more eyes using strategic real-time marketing and news. Register here for December 10!

Weekend Nonsense 🎉

Alright, this is actually the total opposite of nonsense, but your girl HAD to share! Payless Shoesource recently ran a brilliant social experiment in which they sold their shoes in a fake luxury store they dubbed Paleesi and, believe it or not, more than a few people ended up spending hundreds on the budget-friendly brand. Take a look:

Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 7.18.22 PM

Pretty cool, huh? What's your take on the experiment? How about LinkedIn Stories? Hit reply and let me know. :) 

And as always, if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

See you next week!

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


Share the Awesomeness.


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