[THE LATEST] The Reality of Burn Out, Dealing With Stress, & Why Even Leaders Get Scared - EMEL


Saturday, June 1, 2019

[THE LATEST] The Reality of Burn Out, Dealing With Stress, & Why Even Leaders Get Scared

The Reality of Burn Out, Dealing With Stress, & Why Even Leaders Get Scared...This Is THE LATEST!

The other day I got this Slack message: "I wanted to cry after our meeting the other day, so thanks!"

-- And, of course, I was totally confused.

The day prior, this teammate and I had a content coaching call that included a little bit of tough feedback. 

Despite this, I felt like I was understanding, offered good advice on how to pivot around an issue, and that it was well-received -- so why did I leave this person wanting to cry?

Already having a hard week myself, I felt terrible. Like I hadn't been helpful, but hurtful. It was just another thing that wasn't going right.

But it turns out, this wasn't the case at all.

They confided that it was overall a bad day, that they were really hard on themselves, and that our talk actually helped them get into the flow with their article. They then thanked me for "showing so much grace and kindness."

Then, I wanted to cry.


This week, burn-out was a word that was on everyone's lips, and this experience, along with many of the insights shared below, proves why. 

Everyone gets stressed at work. Everyone questions themselves and gets overwhelmed -- but we don't have to suffer, and we most definitely don't have to feel alone in this struggle... 

😓  You're Not Being Dramatic: Burn-Out Is Officially a Recognized Condition

The term gets thrown around a lot, but today, thanks to the World Health Organization, we finally have a more definitive definition of what burnt out means, as it will be officially recognized in The International Classification of Diseases (ICD 11) in 2022. So, what does this entail for you and your organization? IMPACT Controller Eric Choma shares his personal burn-out story and what you can do in response to this news.


🤷🏽‍♀️  How Do You Cope When Stress, Anxiety, & Burn-Out Arrive On Your Doorstep? 

So, people can no longer say burn-out is just in your head -- small win -- but that doesn't stop the greater issue of preventing it. Burn-out is the result of workplace stress and anxiety that has gone unresolved for too long. Like Eric, IMPACT Paid Media Specialist Dan Baum has experienced this stress. In this candid article, he opens up about what he went through and how he's learning to cope.

coping with stress

🆕  Even Leaders Get Scared -- And That's The Topic of the First Episode of The Leadership in Real Life Podcast 

Many of us are afraid to speak up about burn-out because we think it'll make us look weak or ill-equipped for our jobs. We're afraid. Here's a secret, though -- everyone's scared and worried about these things, even the leaders at your organization. That's the topic of the first-ever episode of Leadership in Real Life, a new podcast hosted by IMPACT's Chief Operating Officer, Chris Duprey, and VP of Client Service, Brie Rangel.


📊  Messy Data in HubSpot is Frustrating and Embarrassing: How IMPACT Solved It! [Sponsored by Insycle]

You have thousands of HubSpot contacts but nothing is standardized. Some names aren't capitalized, you have three fields for the same thing, and text is randomly formatted. It's a problem that's in the back of every marketer's head because there isn't an easy -- or fast -- way to fix it. In fact, trying to manually resolve this issue will almost certainly cause burn-out. IMPACT's Director of Audience Engagement and Community, Stephanie Baiocchi, felt this pain first-hand. Watch Stephanie's video to find out how Insycle helped her and how you too can free yourself from embarrassing HubSpot data.


🎉  Weekend Nonsense

Personally, I'm not a fan of Ikea. I had my first and likely last shopping experience with them in March, but I have to put my personal feelings aside and give them kudos for this campaign.

As AdWeek explains, "A new ad campaign from Ikea in the United Arab Emirates had some fun with three of television's most iconic living rooms by recreating each one solely with Ikea furniture and decorations..."

They recreated the living rooms from The Simpsons, Friends, and Stranger Things and can I just say, if they did this in their actual stores, they just might win me back. 

Check out the rest on AdWeek!

That's all for today my friends, but before I leave you, remember: if you're feeling burnt out, stressed, or anxious, you're not alone. 

Many marketers, myself included, struggle with this on a daily basis. It's not easy, but you can get through it. 

Need a listening ear? Hit reply. ❤️

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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