[THE LATEST] How to 10X Website Traffic with Backlinking, a Content Manager Job Description, & Why You Need a Sales Strategy to Use the HubSpot CRM - EMEL


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

[THE LATEST] How to 10X Website Traffic with Backlinking, a Content Manager Job Description, & Why You Need a Sales Strategy to Use the HubSpot CRM

How to 10X Website Traffic with Backlinking, a Content Manager Job Description, & Why You Need a Sales Strategy to Use the HubSpot CRM ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!

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Am I defective?

While a lot of people struggle to make it through the colder months — only to thrive the moment the first day of spring arrives — I am a warm weather-loathing malcontent who "bah humbugs" my way through most of spring and summer.

Don't get me wrong, I still love camping and barbecues and swimming. But, given the choice, I'll choose cold weather over sunshine every time.

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Hello. This is me. 👋

I'm not only here for the leaf-peeping magic of autumn the internet loves to romanticize, though.

I also swoon over the cold stillness of winter days, where the bare, brittle trees stand in stark contrast against a gray sky. Some say it's a depressing time of year, because everything is dead and it's always dark. But I look at this time of year as a blank slate — a limitless foundation for rebirth and a time for contemplation.

I mention this because, even though the first day of fall has come and gone, today is the first day of October. And this, my friends, is the day I come alive every year.

"Spring cleaning" isn't a thing in my world. But the "fall refresh" certainly is.🍂

As part of this year's refresh, I'm testing out managing my daily and weekly to do lists for IMPACT in Trello — and the results so far are downright life-changing.

I've also been ruthless in evaluating the gaps in our own content strategy — hence the first article in this issue — as well as how we define what "great" content is at IMPACT. On top of that, I'm taking a long, hard look at THE LATEST, to make sure it's as helpful as it can be. (That's why I'm asking for your feedback.)

So, watch out, world.

I'm a content director on a mission to do better and be better, and I'm armed with an endless supply of pumpkin-spiced coffee. It's a dangerous combination.

✏️ Here's the Only Content Manager Job Description You'll Ever Need (+ Free Downloadable Template & Hiring Tips)

We've dedicated thousands and thousands of words to the topic of content managers — why you need a content manager, qualities to look for in a content manager, questions to ask when hiring a content manager, and so on. But we never shared a content manager job description you could use to get those good-fit candidates in the door. Well, that changes today! In this article from yours truly, I share a ready-to-use content manager job description and my five favorite tips for identifying top-tier content manager candidates.


⛓️ Learn the Backlinking Strategy That Can Help You 10X Your Website's Organic Traffic

If you're serious about SEO and understand the importance of backlinks, this episode of The Inbound Success Podcast is for you. This week, Time Doctor CMO and cofounder Liam Martin digs into the details of the backlinking process he's been using to 10X organic traffic to his business websites. He also shares a ton of universal, actionable takeaways for building your own backlinking strategy. Listen to this episode of The Inbound Success podcast to learn Liam's backlinking secrets for sparking astounding organic website growth.


💥 Learn how to immediately improve your website performance with a Technical SEO Audit from IMPACT.

⛔ Why You Need a Sales Strategy to Use the HubSpot CRM (& How to Align Your CRM, Strategy, & Process)

Sure, you can use a CRM without a strategy — but should you? When mismanaged, CRMs can turn into a swampy, muddy, gooey mess full of meaningless data without intentional processes and actions. That's why sales leaders need to be involved in establishing a sales strategy, as well as a plan for how it will be integrated into your CRM. In this article from IMPACT Director of Revenue Melanie Collins, learn why having a sales strategy first is so critical to CRM success, as well as how to align your sales strategy and process with your CRM.


⚠️ How Can I Improve THE LATEST to Make It More Valuable for You? (Feedback Requested)

I think most of you know this, but THE LATEST — this very newsletter — is in no way automated. If you didn't know that, hi! My name is Liz Murphy, and I'm a real person who spends a lot of time carefully hand-curating and producing the three issues we send out each week. I've written this newsletter from my desk, on trains, huddled in corners at conferences, in cramped hotel rooms, and so forth, because I want to create an absurdly helpful (and human) resource that empowers you with knowledge. Which is why I'm asking you to take two minutes share your thoughts on how I can make this email newsletter even better — I'm open to every idea or suggestion, and I'd love to hear from you!


🎧  Our Latest Shows & Podcasts 

📆  Upcoming Digital Sales & Marketing Events

  • Heads up, Chicago! The next HubSpot User Group event is on October 8! It will include a recap of the most critical updates from INBOUND19, and then Stephanie and Sarah (your fearless HUG leaders) will lead a discussion on how to plan inclusive holiday campaigns. You'll walk away with important e-commerce holiday dates to remember, key things to keep in mind when planning a holiday campaign, how to manage campaigns and reporting in HubSpot, and more. Reserve your seat for this event today, as Chicago HUGs fill up fast! 

🗞️ What I'm Reading This Week

Here are the long-reads, news items, and articles that have sparked my interest this week:

🐩 One Last Thing

Sigh. It's the "I regret inventing K-cups" fiasco all over again, but much, much worse. Last week, the creator of the Labradoodle said the breed is his life's regret. Unlike K-cups, however, labradoodles are an excruciatingly adorable Muppet-like mop of a dog, so it has no shortage of defenders.

That's all for now! 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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