🎸 Helping you to really rock it with email - EMEL


Friday, November 6, 2020

🎸 Helping you to really rock it with email

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Just a quickie this week as I'm racing to get my taxes done. Don't go overdosing on FOMO; I know you are all super jealous, but your time will come. Promise.

I'm doing another livestream next Friday 13 November at 1pm New York time/6pm London time, which is all about email marketing. I expect it to run for 30-40 minutes, but it could easily go longer if we have lots of questions.

And definitely bring your questions! There is just so much to talk about around email from welcome sequences and open rates to sign-up pages, reader magnets, automation, segmentation, re-engagement... and how all those things help you sell books, of course.

I'm tweaking the format so that the stream is shorter, more focused, and more focused on you and the issues you're dealing with.

The plan is to give a brief intro on the topic, and then devote most of the time to fielding your questions – and I'm sure you will have lots of them. But it will all be live, so who knows? Last time I planned to drink several beers but barely got a sip in. The best laid plans of mice and men…

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I will be broadcasting simultaneously on YouTube and Facebook. Drop your questions into the comments in either location during the stream and I will see them via techno-sorcery. In fact, you can pop your questions in the comment section any time from now to ensure you get answered! And don't forget to check all the Recommended Resources in the livestream description on YouTube and Facebook which you can view right now.

I appreciate the time won't work for everybody. This is the problem with being universally adored on a global basis, Beyoncé once told me. But keep in mind that the livestream replay will be available afterwards on the exact same links on YouTube and Facebook - which you can then view at your leisure at any point. 

To get an automatic ping when I go live, you simply need to hit the Get Reminder button on the Facebook post, or hit the Set Reminder button on the YouTube stream – whichever works for you.

I think that's it. Nothing else going on in the world? All right, cool.


P.S. Wistfully staring out the window this week is Jackson C. Frank with Blues Run The Game.


Broomfield Business Park, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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